"Chosebuz" is the traditional name of the city of Cottbus in the local
Sorbian (Wendish) language, a minority Slavic tongue which is now
unfortunately on the verge of extinction, but the culture of which survives
in various forms in this border region of East Germany. The Cottbus Film
Festival, now in its 16th edition was established in 1991 in order to
promote the films of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This is
one international film festival (as opposed to single country film we...
HDFEST Screenings and Panel DiscussionsHDFEST Festival screenings include projects created exclusively with HD technology. Presentations include HD documentaries, HD experimental films, HD animations, HD music videos, HD features and shorts. Festival content in Los Angeles includes a truly international selection including films from Japan, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Spain, the UK, and the Netherlands. Many films will be making their North American Premiere or Los Angeles Premiere. Almost all the...
"Chosebuz" is the traditional name of the city of Cottbus in the local Sorbian (Wendish) language, a minority Slavic tongue which is now unfortunately on the verge of extinction, but the culture of which survives in various forms in this border region of East Germany. The Cottbus Film Festival, now in its 16th edition was established in 1991 in order to promote the films of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This is one international film festival (as opposed to single country film we...
The International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam (IDFA), which begins next week, will be a bell weather on the current state of the art of non-fiction film and video production. High on its priority list is the charting of technological innovations that are transforming the medium. IDFA will present three exciting programs that will help attending filmmakers, distributors and new media mavens examine the changes ahead in the media landscape.
To focus attention on how the "new media" will...
PASKALJEVIC SWEEPS GENEVA PRIZESby Alex Deleon, for www.filmfestivals.comThe CINEMA TOUT ECRAN festival which concluded its one week run on November 5 distributed its major prizes as follows:The Cinema Tout Ecran Reflet d’Or (Golden Reflection) cash awardfor the Best (theatrical) Film, (10,000 CHF) offered by the City ofGeneva, went (incomprehensibly) to the Dutch film "DIEP"(Deep) directed bySimone van Dusseldorp (The Netherlands). The jury's remark; A film "Which relates with conviction th...
The Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction, Filmakademie, Baden- Wuerttemberg has been distinguished with the Innovation Prize 2006 from the Federal Film Funding BKM presented by the Minister for Cultural and Media Affairs, Bernd Neumann. During the award ceremony for the German film script prize and innovation prize, which took place in the Film and Television Academy (HFF) in Potsdam, Professor Thomas Haegele, Head of the Institute of Animation, was awarded a prize o...
The sun certainly shone on Sevilla's successfully revamped 100 Per Cent European Film Festival, which ran from 3rd to 11th November 2006 in the sensuous Andalucian city.(Actually, much of the downtown of this beautiful southern Spanish metropolis is currently scarred by the construction of a new underground transport system so not only the flamenco dancers have to watch their steps to cross from one florid architectural wonder to the next. Personally, I am rather fearful that whenever the first ...
The sun certainly shone on Sevilla's successfully revamped 100 Per Cent European Film Festival, which ran from 3rd to 11th November 2006 in the sensuous Andalucian city.
(Actually, much of the downtown of this beautiful southern Spanish metropolis is currently scarred by the construction of a new underground transport system so not only the flamenco dancers have to watch their steps to cross from one florid architectural wonder to the next. Personally, I am rather fearful that whenever the firs...
News from Satis07 to 09 november 2006 Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles - Hall 5The entire Audiovisual industry, from production to distribution, is present at every event and takes advantage of an outdoor area for service providers, with mobile units for pick-up/broadcasting areas within the exhibition, a programme of HD content in the Auditorium, workshops in a conference area: the Agora HD in EuropeAlready launched via satellite on Astra in Germany with Premiere, Pro7 and Sat1, and starting Ma...
Tuesday, November 7---Wednesday is shaping up to be another very full day at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival, with an intriguing mix of American indie films and world cinema highlights.
There is no higher accolade than the Nobel Prize. In the fascinating documentary NOBELITY, American director Turk Pipkin interviews a who's who of Nobel Prize winners, providing a stunning look at the world's most complex social, political and economic problems ...
More than 100 films from 23 countries for the Festival of East European Cinema, which is being held from November 14 to 18. 1. Feature Film and Short Film Competitions – diverse and subtle Ten films from eight countries were nominated for the Feature Film Competition, of which nine will be having their international or German premiere in Cottbus. Bulgaria and Romania are particularly strongly represented here with two films each - which can be regarded as the undisputed proof for the new depa...
Thursday night, AFI hosted the U.S. premiered Pedro Almodovar's "Volver" and a tribute to the excruciatingly talented Spanish actress, Penelope Cruz. Since her debut to American audiences in the international hit "Jamon Jamon", Penelope has become one of Europe's leading export. the AFI salute included a lively on-stage discussion about her impressive career alongside film clips.
First Look, which is shopping the films "American Crime", featuring Catherine Keener and James Franco, and "Smiley ...
The whole report day by day from day one.
In less than a week, on the fateful FridayThe Thirteenth of the current month (October 13, 2OO6), the First International Film Festival ever held in Rome will open the gates of the Eternal City to a floodtide of media representatives, journalists, film professionals, actors, directors, film fans, and just plain curious stargazers of all stripes and colours. Whether this new festival turns out to be a blas...
33rd Northwest Film & Video Festival Schedule of EventsShowing November 10-November 18The Northwest Film & Video Festival, officially kicks off Friday, November 10th with a program of short films at 7pm at Cinema 21 Theatre. After the show there will be an Opening Night Party with musical guests Eux Autres at the Laura Russo Gallery. Admission for Opening Night festivities are $10 for screening and party or $10 for party alone. The Festival, playing throughout the week at the Whitsell Auditoriu...
In an effort to encourage new audiences and to cultivate those already devoted to European films, the members of European Film Promotion (EFP) have developed a new project to have quality European films screened in selected cities of Europe. In spring 2007, under the title, Picture Europe! The Best of European Cinema, EFP will organize a screening series highlighting national box office hits from all over Europe.According to EFP President, Claudia Landsberger, “Not enough effort and investment...
Next Step in Cinematic Evolution: the New XpanD Theater in Murcia, SpainXpanD, an ever-growing digital 3D cinema network that combines cinematographic content with special effects, has announced the official grand opening of their first XpanD theater in Spain. Featuring a large library of cinema experiences, XpanD offers a powerful integration of dramatic digital imagery with the excitement of a theme park experience.The XPAND theater in Murcia features X6D - the full solution of XPAND, and inte...
Europe’s film agencies, the lead organisations for film in Europe, have released a joint statement this week offering their support to the European Commission in looking at ways of stimulating the uptake of digital cinema in Europe.In their common declaration on digital cinema, the chain of national film agencies across Europe which includes the UK Film Council state:“The directors of Europe’s national film agencies (the EFADs) consider that digital cinema represents a major challenge for ...
At 7pm on Friday 27th October, The Times BFI 50th London Film Festival will celebrate its jubilee year with ‘A Portrait of London’ - the largest live audiovisual free screening London’s Trafalgar Square has ever seen. Projected onto a 120 foot screen before Nelson’s column, it features writer/director/composer Mike Figgis mixing sound and moving image from some of London’s most exciting filmmakers, artists and music producers – creating an hour long spectacle to be enjoyed by Londone...
EFP Delegation at Pusan Film Festival
Friday, October 20----European Film Promotion, the pan-European promotion organization that represents the national film promotion agencies of over 30 European countries, is returning to New York for the third time with industry screenings of four excellent new European films. The goal of the program is to present new European films to New York-based film distributors, festival programmers and film critics. The four films will be presented on October 23rd a...
Double the numbers of digital screens worldwide, while the numbers of multiplexes continue to grow, after a 2005 that loses over 100 million spectators in European cinemas.These are the main results emerging from the fifteenth edition of the “European Cinema Yearbook” published by MEDIA Salles, to be presented in Rome this afternoon, 20 October, during the opening session of Eurovisioni. At the end of 2005 there were 591 screens equipped with DLP CinemaTM technology throughout the world.Now ...
Jacob (Mads Mikkelsen) an ex-pat Dane works in India taking care of homeless orphans. He has a particularly close relationship with a boy Pramod (age 8). His Indian boss receives an offer from Copenhagen for big money to assist the project. This will require the mysterious ex-pat to return to Kbh after a long absense of many years to negociate the transaction. He goes, very reluctantly, but not before solemnly promising the boy that he will be back for his birthday, only eight days away. In C...
So much is happening here that the only way to keep track of events and films is this -- a free associational diary, plus a wing and a prayer. But let me preface it by noting that this is the most sensational film festival I have ever attended, period. SUNDAY: Two films and two remarkable press conferences. The day starts with a 9 AM press screening of Scorcese's "The Departed" in the big hall. This is followed by a meeting with the press with Scorcese and Di Caprio up on the stage, accompanie...
The first Rome International Film Festival didn't just draw out the film fans. In town for a long weekend of events were international film business delegates attending the market section of the festival. Players from far and wide had a mostly positive response to the number of initiatives at the festival, which included a popular buyers' terrace at the Bernini Hotel and a so-called business street at the Excelsior Hotel on the Via Veneto.
"I had a meeting arranged with one producer and met fort...
Quel est le lien entre des films aussi différents que la saga "Star Wars", de Georges Lucas, "Le Patient Anglais" d’Anthony Minghella, "Indiana Jones" de Stephen Spielberg, "Pirates" de Roman Polanski, "Jésus de Nazareth" de Franco Zeffirelli, "Le Grand Carnaval" d’Alexandre Arcady, "Madame Butterfly" de Frederic Mitterand et "le Tigre et la Neige" de Roberto Begnini ?
Un seul et unique lien. Ils ont tous été tournés avec succès dans l’étonnante diversité des paysages de Tunisie,...
EFP launches October Session of Industry Screenings in New YorkThird edition in 2006 presents four new European films at the Tribeca Screening Room, October 23rd and 24thWith Spanish/German comedy THE GREAT MATCH by Gerardo Olivares recently sold to Film Movement as result of the past showcase European Film Promotion (EFP) has set a third programme of Industry Screenings in New York for 2006. On October 23rd and 24th four new films from different European countries will be introduced to U.S. dis...