River to River. Florence Indian Film FestivalFrom December 10-14, 2003 the third edition of the River to River Florence Indian Film Festival, the only European film festival entirely dedicated to cinema both from and about India, will arrive in Florence. The festival is organized by Luca Marziali and Selvaggia Velo of bdjMEDIA.Screenings will take place at the Spazio Uno Cinema in Via del Sole, 10, Florence - Italy. PRESS RELEASE N.3River to River. Florence Indian Film FestivalFrom December 10-1...
Every year, the Jalladeau brothers, tirelessd globe-trotters, share the planet between them to go and see on location films that are born away from the major international channels. Philippe goes all over Latin America, the Arab and Muslim world and the Asian republics of the ex-URSS, while Alain travels throughout the length and breadth of Asia and Black Africa.After having screened several hundreds of ilms, they offer a selection which is the most capable of reflecting the social, historical a...
The number of tickets sold on the 18 markets of Western Europe grows by 0.9% in 2002, rising from 958 to 966 million. Admissions are down, however, in the countries of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Rim, where they record an overall dip of 4.6%, from 106 to 101 million tickets sold in the 2001-2002 period.These are some of the figures presented in the new “European Cinema Yearbook” – 2003 advance edition, produced by MEDIA Salles and presented at Taormina this morning, Saturday 15 No...
The Times BFI 47th London Film Festival has now ended, the closing night brought Gwyneth Paltrow, Daniel Craig and screenwriter John Brownlow on Sylvia, and Anthony Minghella on a festival which “celebrated the power of women in film.” ...This year the Festival seems happy with attendance gathered from 22 October to 06 November.The diverse films on offer captured the imagination of the 115,000 people who attended the 350 screenings, 123 of these being sold out. Attendance is 6% higher than l...
CELESTIAL’S SHAW BROTHERS MARTIAL ARTS MOVIES TO BE DISTRIBUTED BY MANGA FILMS IN SPAIN The Spanish film industry is viewed by many these days as the critical link between Europe, the US and Latin America cinema. In recent years, a wave of young, Spanish directorial talents have surfaced, such as Pedro Almodovar, Alejandro Amenabar, Fernando Leon de Aranoa and Cesc Gay. Between them, they have helped to gradually develop Spain as a film-making powerhouse. Similarly, when the Hong Kong film ind...