"A Life of Death" (2003/USA/8 mins) will play in DOCartoon in Pietrasanta, Italy from September 24-30, 2011. Other titles selected for this prestigious festival are Chris Landreth's Oscar-winning "Ryan", "Yellow Sticky Notes" by 2009 Clermont-Ferrand winner Jeff Chiba Stearns, and the multiple award-winner "Giallo Milano" by Sergio Basso.
For more information on the festival, please download this program: http://issuu.com/claudianeri65/docs/docartoon_web
For more information on "A Life of Death", please visit: http://www.dawnwestlake.com/dawnwestlake/rondecana/films/lifeofdeath/
21.09.2011 | Dawn Westlake's blog
Cat. : A Life of Death Africa animation Asia award BIGSTAR.tv CDATA Chris Landreth Clermont-Ferrand Contact Details death Documentary europe FDR festivals film france Germany Giallo Milano gun hitler Holocaust http://issuu.com/claudianeri65/docs/docartoon_web http://www.dawnwestlake.com/dawnwestlake/rondecana/films/lifeofdeath Italy Jeff Chiba Stearns life Milano missile Nazi oscar Oscar Pietrasanta poem political rifle Ryan sad Sergio Basso short soldier Studs Terkel tank United States Vietnam war world WWII XML Yanks Yellow Sticky Notes Yellow Sticky Notes Shorts