"Touch" has won the BEST DOCUMENTARY AWARD at the Diogenes 2020: Stay Home & Make Movie Festival out of Tbilisi, Georgia on July 3, 2020. Written and presented by 91-yr-old retired metallurgist and poet Donald G. Westlake, the film was directed/edited by his daughter Dawn Westlake, as they were both self-isolating during the COVID19 pandemic, 2001 miles apart. Westlake used family films going back to the early 1900s to illustrate her father's story about the importance of...
David Vashadze of the Georgian National Film Center tells us why his organisation has teamed up with ÉCU The European Independent Film Festival. // David Vashadze de la center nationale du film géorgienne explique pourquoi son organisation est devenue un partenaire d'ÉCU le festival européen du film independant.
ÉCU was delighted to meet the lovely Georgian actress Ia Parulava when the European Independent Film Festival hit Tbilisi on the weekend! // ÉCU était ravi de rencontrer la charmante actrice géorgienne, Ia Paraluva, quand le festival européen du film indépendant était en Géorgie ce week-end!
Scott Hillier, the president of ÉCU tells of his excitement of taking the European Independent Film Festival to Georgia. // Scott Hillier, le président d'ÉCU explique sa grande joie de prendre le festival Européen du film independant à Georgie.
ÉCU presents Tamara Tatishvili, the director of the Georgian National Film Centre as she tell us the importance of the Film Center and film festivals for filmmakers. //
ÉCU presente Tamara Tatishvili, la directrice de la Centre Géorgien du Film comme elle raconte-nous de l'importance de la centre et les festivals du film pour les cineastes.
Over the weekend of 7th-9th October, ÉCU was honored to present “ÉCU in Georgia”
From the moment we arrived, we were very pleased to be there. Check
out here how excited we were to see out massive logo in the centre of
ÉCU The European Independent Film festival is now in it’s 7th year,
and over that time we have shown films from more then 50 countries,
including Georgia, to thousands of people, and helped directors discover
their voices as they talked to th...
Kadi Lokk, ÉCU Festival Manager tells us her excitement about being in Georgia and why it is important to take ÉCU on the road. // Kadi Lokk, le responsable du festival ÉCU explique sa grande joie d'être en Georgie and pourquoi c'est important de prendre ÉCU autour le monde.
ÉCU has been learning a lot about the history of Georgia, including how
Tbilisi was discovered. Ellen Dumbadze, coordinator of ÉCU in Georgia
shares a Georgian legend with us!
ECU has arrived in GEORGIA! We are all very happy to be here (in the sun!). Check out how excited we were to see out massive logo in the centre of Tbilisi!
ECU est arrivé en Géorgie! Nous sommes tous très heureux d'être ici (au soleil!). Regardez notre excitation quand nous avons vu notre logo massive dans le centre de Tbilissi!
What are you up to this weekend? If you’re upset you can’t make it to Tbilisi for ÉCU in Georgia, don’t worry! You can still keep up-to-date with all the news from this weekend’s most anticipated event with live updates direct from the festival. Stay tuned...
Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce week-end? Si vous êtes triste que vous ne pouvez aller à Tbilissi pour « ÉCU en Géorgie », ne vous inquiétez pas! Vous pouvez vous rendre au courant avec toutes les nouvelles de l'...
With ÉCU in Georgia now just days away, the final touches are being made in Tbilisi. Check out this big poster in the town centre of Tbilisi! (For full details of ÉCU in Georgia, go to http://www.ecufilmfestival.com/en/ecu-in-georgia/)
ÉCU en Géorgie commencera en seulement quelques jours, donc on fait les derniers préparatifs en ce moment. Regardez la grande affiche au centre ville de Tbiliss