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Martin Scorsese Masterclass in Cannes





Animax Skopje Fest

“Animax Skopje Fest“ is first festival of it’s kind in Republic of Macedonia. We see it as unique possibility for presenting domestic, Macedonian creative potentials as well international achievements in the sphere of animation. The Festival is competitive and it is open for animators all over the world.

SURGE Film Festival

"One must remember that in choosing the lesser of two evils, one still chooses evil." --Hannah Arendt, Philosopher, Activist

The SURGE Film Festival was established to enable filmmakers and screenwriters to present all styles of films, scripts, music videos and multimedia content.

Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term is used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms. Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance.

AT SURGE, you will have the opportunity see numerous films from around the world, attend educational panels, hear scripts read by the screenwriters, meet filmmakers and hear from activists from all over the world about the social movements in which they are involved.

SURGE is the first international activist film festival which is not only an annual film, script, music video and multimedia festival but it is also a film festival network which enables people worldwide to bring the festival into their area of the world through the SURGE film festival network! Now in our sixth year our festival promises to be more amazing than ever!

In 2011, SURGE was scheduled to take place for only 3 days in Austin, Texas. Yet, because of increased international interest in SURGE, the SURGE Film Festival took place for a total of over 10 days nationwide, showing a total of over 40 films in the cities of Austin, Texas; Urbana, Illinois; and Portland, Oregon! Films from over 15 different countries were shown. These films included a vast array of independent features and world premiers by new filmmakers as well as feature films such 'In The Footsteps of Elie Wiesel' with internationally recognized Emmy and Golden Globe winning actors such as RICHARD GERE, and feature films such as 'Love & Valor - The Intimate Civil War Letters' with Golden Globe winning actors such as BRIAN DENNEHY.

Photo: Production still from the film 'In The Footsteps of Elie Wiesel' filmed in France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the U S A. High school students travel through Europe as they trace the life path and, in this photo, sit in front of Nobel laureate, author, humanitarian and Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel.


Director Rio Collier of the B Media Collective seen here in 2011 after she received the SURGE 'Eternal Flame' award for keeping the flame of equality and social justice burning bright for all the world to see. She received the award for her inspiring film 'Armed with Art: A New Revolution is Necessary - "Armad@s Con Arte. Una Nueva Revolucion es Nescesaria." It was filmed throughout Mexico and shown at the Historic Academy Theater en Español with English subtitles.
Video:  To see the video interview in which Director Rio Collier is presented with the Eternal Flame award please click here.

SURGE recognizes that it is extremely difficult for small, independent films to find a wide audience. That is why in 2011, SURGE started the S.U.R.G.E. Collection DVD Compilation which circulated over 1,000 DVDs with two films selected from the 2011 SURGE Film Festival. After filmmakers are officially selected for SURGE they are given a questionnaire and filmmakers who choose to have their film included in the SURGE DVD Collection may receive a wider audience all over the world.

In Addition, in 2012 at least one filmmaker and/or screenwriter will receive our annual “Love & Encouragement” Award. This award is presented to a filmmaker and/or screenwriter who presents an excellent film that simply strives to create art and media that does not promote or cater to politicians or multinational corporations. The filmmaker will receive round-trip airfare from their city to the film festival, housing during the film festival, a spending stipend and much more. In 2011, SHAWN JUNE was honored at the SURGE Film festival in Austin, Texas for his film Asphyxious. He also received round-trip airfare from his home in Des Moines, Iowa to the Portland, Oregon screening of his film at the Historic Academy Theater that screened during the Grand Finale of the Portland, Oregon portion of the 7 day SURGE Film festival! 
Photo: 'Asphyxious' director Shawn June, standing in front of the Marquee showing the Portland, Oregon screening of the films 'Free World' and 'Asphyxious' at the Historic Academy Theater. This screening celebrated not only the Grand Finale of the Portland, Oregon portion of the 7 day SURGE Film festival, but it also marked the 2011 Grand Finale of the Fifth Annual International SURGE Film festival which ran for over 10 days nationwide in 2011! As always, admission was free of charge for everyone because everything in the world should be free!

Many films were shown with the directors attending Question & Answer sessions after their films and receiving the distinguished SURGE 'Eternal Flame' award for keeping the flame of equality and social flame burning bright for all the world to see. It is notable that the budget for Asphyxious was estimated at $1,000.00. At SURGE, it is not the cost of the film that matters, but the courage to encourage other people to follow their dreams in the quest for a better world.

SURGE also offers officially selected filmmakers user accounts on the SURGE website so they can upload as many trailers for their films as they like to our website. Trailers for their films will remain on our website for at least a year to help promote their films. In addition, when visiting the SURGE website, people will see the “Love to S.U.R.G.E. - Film Festival Directory.” This directory not only extensively profiles the officially selected films of the prior year, but it also features photos and a great deal of press kit material highlighting the filmmaker and some of their biography and/or cast and crew..

SURGE is a non-competitive film festival so all participants are winners. Because we remain a non-competitive film festival, when a film, script or music video is officially selected by our film festival, each member of the cast and crew is permitted to display our official selection SURGE laurels on their website and materials. The SURGE laurels not only distinguish you as being a part of an official selection of SURGE, but more importantly the laurels distinguish you as someone who works for equality and social justice on behalf of all people. In addition, each member of the cast and crew are eligible to receive a certificate. SURGE has also begun interviewing members of the cast and crew who attend SURGE and placing the video interviews on our website through Vimeo as well as Youtube channels. This enables the video interviews to appear not only on the SURGE website, but these video interviews can also appear on the filmmakers website through links.

Each and every year admission and ticket fees for people to attend the SURGE film festival has remained free-of-charge! This enables the largest possible audience, from all different financial, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, to participate in the film festival.

Registration fees to submit films into the SURGE film festival remain low. This enables the largest possible audience, from all different financial, cultural and ethnic backgrounds to submit films... which anonymous entries are accepted as we encourage whistle-blowers to expose injustice! which some of the entries that are not included in the festival are still published along with all the other entries in our International, S.U.R.G.E. Multilingual Film Festival Directory! This enables all entries to receive exposure and networking with people from all over the world.

SURGE is so much more than just another film festival: it is in word and in action the sixth annual international Social Uprising Resistance and Grassroots Encouragement (S.U.R.G.E.!) Film Festival!

Mission Statement

Peace, Equality and Solidarity. Although political protests give us the opportunity to unite our thoughts in opposition to the route which our governments are taking us, many of us all over the world have come to the realization that the lack of peace in the world and the problems that we see increasing every day have a foundation deeper than the Republicans, the Democrats, or a few select multinational corporations. What we face are institutionalized problems, problems which can only be confronted at the root, researched and solved by imaginative and broad based, non-violent social movements - not ballot boxes.

A Forum of Unparalleled Access and Outreach
Access, Horizontalism and Outreach. The Annual Social Uprising Resistance and Grassroots Encourage (SURGE) Film Festival begin during the first Annual International A World Beyond Capitalism (AWBC) Conference  that began in 2005.  Much like the AWBC, SURGE has always aimed at contributing to the process of Access, Horizontalism and outreach by providing a space for activists - to reflect on the importance of long term vision, strategy, face-to-face relationship building and the realization that a worldwide multi-racial struggle for true universal equality must pro-actively work to include all races and classes of people, differently abled people, and even those who do not speak English. We also seek to bring together and give voice to people working for a better world: a world of equality, a world of peace.

With this in mind, SURGE is a film festival that is now moving to the next level by once again organizing the Annual International SURGE Film Festival that will take place in several different cities during several large events.

There has been so much talk about what kind of ‘charity’ third world countries and immigrants ‘need.’  But there is little talk about the need for self-empowering justice beyond capitalism and more capitalism. 

Once again, in 2012 SURGE is being organized with hopes of not replicating the style and approach of traditional film festivals, which are often alienating and racially homogenized with little attempt to create outreach and universal accessibility to non-English speaking people and to the disabled people of our society. These segments of our society are often the most vulnerable populations victimized by the oppressive characteristics of capitalism. Rather, SURGE is an attempt to use outreach to create an inclusive gathering.

Our Vision
Those of us who have collectively worked together to make the ‘SURGE’ a reality share the vision below, one that we imagine is also shared by many who have agreed to participate, facilitate, present, translate, or involve themselves in some active way.

We envision a space in which all voices are heard, and see the concept of "horizontalism" as a goal and a tool. It implies directly democratic discussions where theory meets non-violent practice, seeing and hearing one another in our full humanity, and confronting the power hierarchies that we observe amongst ourselves. Given that we all still live under the shadow of capitalism and the consequences of how it affects our behavior and psyches, we know that it is necessary for us to put great amounts of energy and thought into structuring egalitarian and provocative conversations, ones in which all of our voices and ideas can thrive. This at times may mean putting aside our defensive egos which often may inadvertently defend our lifestyles of privilege. At some level, we all have privileges in the United States, and these privileges of our capitalistic society have been gained by exploiting millions of the most vulnerable people throughout the world.

Diverse Perspectives
All of us participating in Film Festival have various experiences and thoughts on all the topics being discussed, from those of us who have spent most of our adult lives contemplating a particular subject, to those of us who are now just thinking about certain things for the first time. There are those of us who are creating alternative energy in our communities, and those of us who are still very much in the dreaming and questioning stage.

We would greatly like for you to help us work towards the goal of education and peaceful, universal alliance building. The best event and intentional community is the one we build in solidarity. Bring a friend, offer housing or a ride, post flyers in your community, volunteer or just be imaginative!

"Once people understand the strength of non-violence - the force it generates, the love it creates, the response it brings from the total community - they will not easily abandon it."

--Cesar Chavez, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers of America, Union Activist, Ethical Vegetarian, Philosopher, Activist

You have probably attended many meetings and conferences which speak about building Multi-racial alliances. Here are a few of the many ways in which film festivals that you have attended in the past greatly differ from SURGE Film Festival.

  • We greatly welcome the help of not only face-to-face volunteers but also volunteers who can only help from out-of-state, or out of country who work-from-home with or without the internet.
  • We intend to give people who attend the conference the option of placing contact information into a list which we will later transform into a free Alliance building directory.
  • The directory will also have a list of the languages that each person or organization is able to speak so that even activists or groups that do not speak English can form new alliances.
  • We acknowledge that lack of transportation is a race, class and gender issue. We desire to co-ordinate volunteers to drive to Native American reservations, migrant farm and labor camps, and other extremely low-income communities, to give a free ride, back and forth from the SURGE Film Festival, to people living in those communities.
  • To learn more about lack of transportation issues that face Native Americans, please read the American Indian Relief Council's resource information on obstacles to prenatal care.
  • It is the goal of SURGE that the workshops presenters are not members who are part of Corporate Front Groups.  This is very important because there has been an incredible increase throughout the world of organizations and groups which are deceptively posing as social justice groups and they have increasingly been able to achieve the goals of their government and multinational corporate sponsors.
[To see a list of corporate front groups and corporate-backed groups please go here. Go here to read about the international usage of corporate front groups in an Australian Science article titled 'ecological double agents.' Or go to your local library and find a very detailed list of corporate front groups found in article written by Co-op America titled: 'Unmasking Corporate Front Groups: Will the Real Grassroots Groups Please Stand Up.']

We have many more innovative ideas to build real and lasting multi-racial alliances amongst people who are truly working for world peace. But we can only do it with your help. Volunteer or just make sure you come to the SURGE Film Festival!

"Once people understand the strength of non-violence - the force it generates, the love it creates, the response it brings from the total community - they will not easily abandon it."

--Cesar Chavez, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers of America, Union Activist, Ethical Vegetarian, Philosopher, Activist

Visegrad Film Forum

Visegrad Film Forum is an upcoming project organized by the Student Film Festival Áčko, which should enrich the festival by creating space for a cooperation of the V4 countries in the field of culture, specifically in the film industry. Main topic will be The Future of European Co-production. It will be a meeting point of film students from FAMU in Prague, SZFE Budapest, PWSFTviT from Lodz, Andrzej Wajda Film School from Warsaw and FTF VSMU Bratislava. During four days 8 European film professionals will held a master-classes on various topics. We are open to everybody who wants to meet new people from film industry in a student atmosphere.

Transforming Stories International Christian Film Festival

One week festival throughout South Africa and countries worldwide. The purpose of the festival is to showcase powerful, inspiring, faithaffirming, evangelistic, transforming stories in the form of film to the world and the Body of Christ in every nation. We want to emphasize how the power of storytelling can impact the lives of people and shape a specific culture. To accomplish this we are willing to identify and reward talent that is of the highest standards. The festival will be presented in two forms, in host countries around the world and in selected movie theatres throughout South Africa. The award ceremony will take place in South Africa during September 2011 where winning films will be announced.The power of media is evident in this day and age, and movies have been a huge part of shaping the culture as we know it. BehindTransforming Stories International Christian Film Festival 2011 (TSICFF 2011) is a greater vision to transform cultures through storytelling and inspire people to make use of films in sharing the Gospel to all mankind.No longer will we as followers of Christ allow our world to be poisoned with profanity by media elites. Instead, we are encouraging revolutionaries out there to produce stories which can transform our culture into one that will be in line with The Kingdom of God (Yahweh),one of Justice, Peace, Righteousness and Love. TSICFF is looking for films that effectively illustrate stories of transformation by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; or true life testimonies of both spiritual and physical transformation by God’s power and intervention; or Biblical truths leading viewers to a clearer understanding of certain issues and topics.What makes this festival so unique is that it was launched in 2010 in South Africa through the partnership and association with the Lausanne movement, where over 4500 International Christian leaders from over 200 regions in the world were introduced to the festival. This opportunity has established great relationships to ensure future growth of the festival. Through our continuous efforts and with a truly global reach the festival aims to inspire Christian leaders to make use of films to evangelize, teach & transform their communities. This festival sources films from across the globe and then the same film festival program is presented in different host nations around the world. This festival has also been endorsed by a selection of internationally recognized leaders and role players.TSICFF is not only a film festival, its part of a global revolution encouraging film makers to produce films that will transform communities for the good!We encourage all to mobilize their churches, ministries and communities to support this festival! Find us on FaceBook and link the festival on your website by placing our web banner on your home page. 

Webmiere 2011


Ottawa International Film Festival

The Ottawa International Film Festival (OIFF) was founded in 2010 with the purpose of bringing local, national and international filmmakers together with film enthusiasts in Canada’s National Capital Region.With a focus on independent filmmaking, the OIFF mandate includes a commitment to supporting the development of film talent in Ottawa and providing local filmmakers with an opportunity to showcase their work alongside major international films.The 2nd OIFF will build on the foundation established during the inaugural event, evolving into a bold and distinct platform for the celebration of creative and cross-cultural filmmaking.Capture. Create. Inspire.

Swedenborg Short Film Festival 2011


Deadline for Submissions: 30th September 2011
Festival Screenings: 18th November 2011

The Swedenborg Short Film Festival 2011 is now open for entries and will place in the Swedenborg Society’s grade II listed neo-classical Hall. Following the success of last year, we hope the festival will continue to establish itself as an annual landmark event on the UK film calendar.

Featuring films of 30 mins or less, the heart of the Festival is to showcase the latest new and established talent. Films should respond to themes encountered in the work of scientist, philosopher, radical theologian and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772). Submissions are invited on a variety of themes and genres. Selected submissions will be screened to a public audience at Swedenborg Hall in central London; at the closing of the festival an award will be given for Best Film.

  • All film submissions must be sent in DVD format by post, with a completed application form (available to download here).
  • An administration fee of £5 is placed on all submissions.
To download an application form please visit the Swedenborg Society website or for more information contact

The DARING DOCCIES Documentary Film Festival

A collection of daring documentaries from around the world, screened in Cape Town, South Africa

SOUND ON SCREEN Music Film Festival

SOUND ON SCREEN is the first film festival in South Africa with its focus aimed at music on screen.


CELLUDROID Sci-Fi / Anime / Fantasy Film Festival

CELLUDROID is the only South African film festival focussing on Sci-Fi, Anime and Fantasy films, with indie, new and old classics, from short films to feature films. 

A comic book chapter has also been incorporated.

For the 2011 event director Richard Stanley (Hardware, Dust Devil) will attend the with some of his classic movies, and introduce his new book, Shadow Of The Grail.

Open for submissions.

Full line-up will appear at

Made-in-Michigan Film Festival 2011

The Made-in-Michigan Film Festival (MiMFF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that celebrates and promotes independent films exclusively from the state of Michigan through an annual Film Festival in the historical downtown of Lapeer, MI. In addition to the annual event, the Made-in-Michigan Film Society (MiMFS) has been formed to showcase independent Michigan films through a monthly gathering, and give an opportunity for film-goers to interact with film makers. By giving Michigan Filmmakers exposure and a venue to display their films, the MiMFF strives towards enhancing the quality of economic and cultural life in the State of Michigan.

Carmarthen Bay Film Festival

This is a brand new festival here in Wales and the first one to be held in Llanelli the home town of Wales' very first Hollywood film star.

One of the aims of the festival is to support and promote up and coming film makers here in Wales, UK and Internationally

Also there will be special categories for Welsh and Celtic language films.

We are especially looking for entries from Patagonia because of its Welsh connections


Entry Criteria

Productions must be independently produced, with the maker retaining complete editorial control and copyright. Productions must have been completed after January 1, 2009,



Welsh language,Celtic language/themed,short,documentary,feature film,international,animation,student film,music video, north American,south American,silent film,comedy

Format accepted

DVD region 1 and 2 ntsc/pal

Three copies of your film are required 


Submission fees

General submission £20:00

Wales based film maker £10:00

Student £5:00 per film/video



Cost of shipping to the festival is the responsibility of the entrant

International entries should be sent by mail or air courier

All entries should be clearly marked, on the outside of the package: NO COMMERCIAL VALUE — FOR CULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY


Promotional Materials

Please include any stills/posters, press kit, detailed synopsis, etc.


Return of Preview/Promotional Materials

Preview discs/cassettes and promotional materials will not be returned.



While all due care and attention will be exercised, the festival cannot accept or assume responsibility

for damage or loss of materials submitted.

You must agree not to hold Pyramid Lake Productions/Carmarthen Bay Film Festival harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands,

losses, damages, judgments, liabilities, and expenses (including legal fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims by third parties.

To find out more and enter the festival please go to

Somcurts. Environnement short film festival

For 23 years, the Associació de Naturalistes de Girona has attempted to show the best images of our natural environment through the photography. Static images that show us the strength and the fragility of our planet of the hand of the best photographers, professional as well as enthusiastic. Now, conscious of the creative capacities of the participants, we turn on a new stage. From the ANG we want to invite you to a new adventure, an adventure that has to show us the problems, the victories, the dangers and the hopes of our environment in short audiovisual format.

When we talk about environment, we mean everything that happens in this thin layer where the human being is related to their environment and other species, in short, where life reaches its maximum. With the aim of showing the whole range of problems and wonders, has born the Girona Festival Shorts environmental SOMCURTS. A festival that should allow us to travel to the soul of the earth.

Kaunas International Film Festival


The organisation „Visos mūzos“ has established Kaunas International Film Festival (Kaunas IFF) in 2007 as a public act seeking to draw attention of audiences and decision makers towards homogenization of film culture in Lithuania and seeking to save the oldest cinema theater in Lithuania. The event during the years developed into a real celebration of film art.


Today, Kaunas IFF is one of Lithuania’s most appreciated film festivals and the main film event in Kaunas. It presents films which have been acclaimed worldwide and also looks for new discoveries. The main priority of Kaunas IFF is a combination of the artistic and social statements in film. The festival continues its strategy to present exclusively Lithuanian or Baltic premiers. 5th edition, September 27 - October 9, 2011 includes:
 feature films in the Wide Angle, Identity sections.
 Mainly documentaries in “Music Moves the world”, “All the Muses” sections, and selection of 
short films, animations and retrospectives in side-bars
. Kaunas IFF is the official festival and distribution partner of the innovative network „Eye on Films“, supported by MEDIA Mundus, a member of the CICAE network, and the Lithuanian representative organisation in the European Network of Young Cinema – Nisi Masa.


In 2010 Kaunas IFF started theatrical distribution in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. While major distributors in the Baltic countries mainly present Hollywood studio productions and mainstream 3D films, Kaunas International Film Festival seeks to make space for art-house films in cinemas. The idea is to influence and change the theatrical distribution situation in the Baltic countries by increasing the number of art-house films in the regular cinema repertoire. Kaunas IFF believes in strengthening the film industry by art-house film promotion and distribution.


The central objective for Kaunas IFF is to enhance film culture and film industry in Lithuania and to represent Lithuanian film industry for film professionals worldwide. Festival celebrates art-house filmmaking. An important part of the film culture revival in Lithuania is presenting retrospective programmes combined with panel discussions, master-classes, special lectures as part of film education.


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