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FILMFESTIVALS | 24/7 world wide coverageWelcome ! Enjoy the best of both worlds: Film & Festival News, exploring the best of the film festivals community. Launched in 1995, relentlessly connecting films to festivals, documenting and promoting festivals worldwide. Working on an upgrade soon. For collaboration, editorial contributions, or publicity, please send us an email here. User login |
caminhosThe Caminhos Film Festival was stated in the latest editions as the reference event in the Portuguese panorama, the only festival dedicated in its competition, to the Portuguese cinema in various aspects, from the final draft film school, through animation , documentary, short film to feature film. Since 1988 we were privileged as an organization to see and live within the best of Portuguese national productions over the past twenty editions, but also to follow the progress of all the Portuguese film industry. We opened the event from Juniors, to seniors, to Film Schools, publishers and booksellers, all Portuguese production turning it in true showcase of national cinema in Portugal. A showcase, which has focused on bringing the creators to the publics, focusing on interaction at all levels. O festival Caminhos do Cinema Português afirmou-se nas últimas edições como o evento de referência do panorama português, sendo o único festival dedicado, na sua competição, ao cinema português em várias vertentes, desde os projectos finais de escola de cinema, passando pela animação, documentário, curta-metragem até à longa-metragem. Desde 1988 tivemos o privilégio, enquanto organização de ver e (con)viver com o melhor da produção nacional portuguesa ao longo das últimas XIX edições, mas igualmente de acompanhar a evolução de toda a indústria cinematográfica portuguesa. Abrimos o evento aos Juniores, aos Séniores, às Escolas de Cinema, às editoras e livreiros, a toda a produção portuguesa transformando-o na verdadeira montra do cinema nacional em Portugal. Uma montra, que tem apostado em aproximar os criadores dos seus públicos, apostando na interacção em todos os níveis. |
LinksThe Bulletin Board > The Bulletin Board Blog Following News Interview with EFM (Berlin) Director
Interview with IFTA Chairman (AFM)
Interview with Cannes Marche du Film Director
Filmfestivals.com dailies live coverage from > Live from India
Useful links for the indies: > Big files transfer
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