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Berlin prizes of the Independent Juries

A jury is considered independent when its members are not selected by the Berlinale. A number of independent juries award prizes at the Berlinale. The high level of quality and diversity of the films are an invitation for critical examination and discerning judgment that opens up new directions. Accordingly the independent juries award their prizes along different criteria, in accordance to the special intention linked to each award.

Award ceremony of the Independent Juries 2009

The following prizes are awarded by independent juries during the Berlinale:

Prizes of the Ecumenical Jury 

Since 1992, the international film organisations of the Protestant and Catholic Churches - INTERFILM and SIGNIS - have been represented by the Ecumenical Jury. It consists of six members and awards its main prize to a film entered in the Competition. It also awards two other prizes, both worth 2,500 Euros, one to a film from the Panorama and one to a film in the Forum. The prizes go to directors who have succeeded in portraying actions or human experiences that are in keeping with the Gospels, or in sensitising viewers to spiritual, human or social values. The jury members for the Berlinale 2010: Werner Schneider-Quindeau (president), Philip Lee, Ylva Liljeholm, Markus Leniger, Edgar Rubio und Alberto Ramos Ruiz.   The prize for a film from the Competition goes to

Bal | Honey 

by Semih Kaplanoglu   The prize for a film from the Panorama goes to

Kawasakiho ruze | Kawasaki's Rose  

by Jan Hrebejk   The prize for a film from the Forum goes to

Aisheen [Still Alive in Gaza] 

by Nicolas Wadimoff

Prizes of the FIPRESCI Juries 

The juries of the Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématographique (FIPRESCI), the international film critics association, view films from the Competition programme and the Panorama and Forum sections. They award a prize for the best film in each of these sections. The three FIPRESCI juries at the Berlinale 2010 are as follows: Samir Farid, Vladimir Ignatovski, Dita Rietuma (Competition); Rui Tendinha, Rolf-Ruediger Hamacher, Pierre Pageau (Panorama); Ronald Bergan (jury president), Caroline M. Buck, Robert Köhler (Forum).   The prize for a film from the Competition

En Familie | A Family 

Director: Pernille Fischer Christensen   The prize for a film from the Panorama


Director: Isao Yukisada   The prize for a film from the Forum

El vuelco del cangrejo | Crab Trap 

Director: Oscar Ruíz Navia

Prize of the Guild of German Art House Cinemas 

The jury of the Guild of German Art House Cinemas is composed of three members who run cinemas and are members of the Guild. The jury awards its prize to a film screened in the Competition. The jury members for the Berlinale 2010: Adrian Kutter, Hans-Werner Renneke and Christopher Bausch.   The members of the Jury award the Prize of the Guild of German Art House Cinemas to


by Burhan Qurbani

C.I.C.A.E Prizes The Confédération Internationale des Cinémas d'Art et d'Essai (C.I.C.A.E.), the International Confederation of Art House Cinemas, forms one jury for the Panorama and one for the Forum. Each jury awards one prize in its section. Jury members 2010: Nikos Grigoriadis, Volker Kufahl, Rosa Maino (Panorama); Julien Moeschler, Benjamin Scholz, Davide Zanza (Forum)   The members of the Panorama-Jury award the C.I.C.A.E. Prize to

Kawasakiho ruze | Kawasaki's Rose  

by Jan Hrebejk   The members of the Forum-Jury award the C.I.C.A.E. Prize to

Winter's Bone 

by Debra Granik

"Label Europa Cinemas" 

Launched for the first time in 2003 within the Cannes Film Festival, the Europa Cinemas Label has been created in order to help European films increase their distribution and raise their profile with audiences and media. The Label is since then awarded by a jury of 5 member exhibitors to a European film selected in the Directors' Fortnight section in Cannes and since 2004 in the Venice Days. Since 2005, Europa Cinemas has been cooperating with the Berlinale to award the Label in the Panorama section. The jury at the Berlinale 2010: Mark Cosgrove, Christophe Maffi, Iris Praefke, Laure Bacqué.   The jury awards:

Die Fremde | When We Leave 

Director: Feo Aladag

Teddy - Queer Film Award 

The Teddy Awards go to films that have a gay and/or lesbian context. The nine members of this international jury - for the most part, organizers of gay and lesbian film festivals - view films screened in all sections of the Festival. Chosen from a list of films selected by the jury, a 3,000-Euro Teddy is awarded to a feature film, a short film and a documentary. The Teddy Jury at the Berlinale 2010: Laura Coppens, Bard Yden, Michelle Mangan, Michael Gamilla, Sridhar Rangayan, Doris Senn, Pau Guillen and Gulya Sultanova.  

Best Feature Film 

The Kids Are All Right 

by Lisa Cholodenko  

Best Documentary Film 

La bocca del lupo | The Mouth of the Wolf 

by Pietro Marcello  

Best Short Film  

The Feast Of Stephen  

by James Franco  

Teddy Jury Award  


by Jake Yuzna

Dialogue en perspective 

In 2004, the prize "Dialogue en perspective", initially sponsored by TV5Monde in cooperation with the German-French Youth Office, was awarded for the first time to a film entry in the section Perspektive Deutsches Kino. In 2010, the German-French Youth Office will be the exclusive sponsor of the "Dialogue en perspective". The prize is the result of an intercultural dialogue on film between young people from two different countries: France and Germany. It is awarded to the film that equally impresses the young and critical jury members from both nations. The prize jury has seven members and is headed by a president. The French and German members are selected by the prize donators by means of a public call for application. The president of the jury is a professional whose work represents the cinematographic dialogue between France and Germany. This jury is the only one at the Berlin International Film Festival which is constituted after a public invitation to tender. In 2010, the jury will be headed by producer Roman Paul (Paradise Now) from Berlin. The other jury member: Lisa Aylin Berns, Mara Helena Klein, Nicolas Oxen, Maximilian van Aertryck, Severine Beaudot, Jonathan Rescigno and Sofiane Ouaret.

Caligari Film Prize 

A three-person jury awards the Caligari Film Prize to a film in the Forum. The prize is sponsored by the "German Federal Association of Communal Film Work" and "filmdienst" magazine. The winning film is honoured with 4,000 Euros, half of which is given to the director, the other half is meant to fund distribution. The 2010 jury: Dörte Küll, Axel Röthemeyer, Esther Buss.  

La bocca del lupo | The Mouth of the Wolf  

by Pietro Marcello


The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) is an alliance of festival organisers and film critics whose aim is to support Asian film. The jury awards a prize to an Asian film screened in the Forum. Jury members this year are Tuck Cheong Wong, Vicci Ho and Jane Yu.   The members of the Jury award the NETPAC Prize to

Yi yè Tái bei | Au revoir Taipei 

by Arvin Chen

Peace Film Award 

The jury is composed of 9 members and views films from every section. The 5,000-Euro prize is donated by the Peace Film Award Initiative in association with the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW). The Peace Film Prize Jury can also award Special Mentions. The jury members for the Berlinale 2010: Monica Ch. Puginier, Marianne Wündrich-Brosien, Christoph Heubner, Christian Ziewer, Harriet Eder, Christoph Wermke, Oliver Passek, Mehdi Benhadj-Djilali, Jan Engelmann and Alice Ströver.  

Son Of Babylon 

by Mohamed Al-Daradji

Amnesty International Film Prize 

The German branch of Amnesty International has awarded the Amnesty International Film Prize for the first time at the Berlinale 2005. This award has already been presented at other international film festivals. The prize is worth 5,000 Euros. The jury will view films entered into the Competition, Panorama and Forum sections, paying special attention to documentaries. The aim of the prize is to draw the attention of audiences and representatives of the film industry to the theme of human rights and encourage filmmakers to tackle this topic. The jury members at the Berlinale 2010: Barbara Sukowa, Pagonis Pagonakis, Chloe Baird-Murray.   The Jury awards the Amnesty International Film Prize to

Son Of Babylon 

by Mohamed Al-Daradji   ex aequo

Waste Land 

by Lucy Walker, João Jardim, Karen Harley

Femina Film Prize 

The prize honours the "outstanding artistic contribution of a female technician" in a feature film from a German-speaking country in the areas of set design, camera work, costumes, music or editing. The aim of the prize is to highlight the contribution of the creative work of women towards the final result of a film. The prize is worth 3,000 Euros and is awarded annually by the Femina Film Prize Association, since 2005 within the scope of the Berlinale. The jury is comprised of three women working in the film industry. The jury members at the Berlinale 2010: Silke Fischer, Angelina Maccarone and Sabine Timoteo.   The Jury awards the Femina Film Prize to

Reinhild Blaschke 

for the production design in Im Schatten (In the Shadows) by Thomas Arslan (Forum) With subtle perfection Reinhild Blaschke takes us into a world "in the shadows", into the places behind the places. Cars as mediators between characters and outside world, between city and surrounding countryside. The sanctuary in the forest still maintains a connection with urbanity by its angular forms and therefore keeps a unity. With just a few minimalistic escapes from functionality the rooms reveal the characters longings and still preserve an overall discretion. Elements of red break gently through the blue and grey until it culminates in the blood of a bullet wound. Beyond stereotypes Reinhild Blaschke succeeds in translating film noir atmospheres into contemporary Berlin.

Readers' Juries and Audience Awards

Panorama Audience Award 

All Berlinale visitors can vote for the Panorama Audience Award by filling in a vote sheet. The prize was started in 1999 and is made possible by a joint initiative between the Berlin city magazine "tip", the radio channel "Radioeins" and the Panorama section itself.  

Waste Land 

by Lucy Walker, João Jardim, Karen Harley

The "Berliner Morgenpost" Readers' Jury 

The jury is made up of 12 readers of the daily newspaper "Berliner Morgenpost". It is awarded to a feature film in the Competition section. The 2010 jury includes Alexandra Lucht, Holger Kühne, Felix Feistel, Dr. Holger Mirek, Aline Noack, Sindy Schödel, Benjamin Teske, Arzu Tuncel Rollenhagen, Manuela Tischendorf, Katharina Hauck, Waldemar Mross and Olaf Marnczek.   This year's Berliner Morgenpost Readers' Prize goes to

En ganske snill mann | A Somewhat Gentle Man 

by Hans Petter Moland

The ELSE Siegessäule Readers' Choice Award 

The jury, which is made up of seven readers of the Berlin gay and lesbian magazine "Siegessäule", takes into account all films with gay or lesbian content, regardless of which section they are in. The prize is awarded to a feature film. The 2010 jury: Jörg Michael Fehlhaber, Matteo Lodevole, Inga Pylypchuk, Katayun Pirdawari M.A., Ainara Katharina Tiefenthäler, Moritz G. C. Sander and Klaus Schrader.  

Postcard To Daddy 

by Michael Stock

The "Tagesspiegel" Readers' Jury 

Since the Berlinale 2007, the Berlin-based national daily newspaper "Tagesspiegel" has awarded a Readers' Prize. The jury consists of nine members and the prize is given to the best film in the Forum - along with 3.000 Euro.   This year's Tagesspiegel Readers' Prize goes to

Winter's Bone  

by Debra Granik

Prizes of the Berlinale Talent Campus

Berlin Today Award 

For the Berlin Today Award, Campus participants must form international teams and develop an idea for a short film which has something to do with Berlin. Three projects are selected and produced in co-operation with the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and Boxfish Films. The films are shown at the next year's Berlinale Talent Campus. The jury gives the best of these films the Berlin Today Award. British director Stephen Daldry will chair the jury in 2010.  

Bryn Chainey (Australien)  

for Jonah and the Vicarious Nature of Homesickness

Score Competition 

The Score Competition offers three young composers or sound designers the opportunity to compose new scores for a pre-selected short film and record them with the German Film Orchestra Babelsberg, with final mixing at the Film and Television Academy (HFF) "Konrad Wolf". The scores will premiere during the Berlinale Talent Campus, and the best score will be chosen by a jury and awarded during the Closing Ceremony. The winner will receive a trip to the finest sound studios in Los Angeles, sponsored by Dolby. French composer and Golden Globe winner Alexandre Desplat has committed to mentor the Score Competition 2010.  

Camilo Sanabria (Colombia) 


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