The Angel Film Awards The Leading festival platform of non-violent film and documentary premieres in the world.
One of the Premiere European Awards held in Monte Carlo. The Angel Film Awards – Monaco International Film Festival is a non-profit, independent and non-governmental 4 day event celebrating peace, love and the art of making movies! .
EIGHT COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES: short and feature film, short and feature documentary film, short and feature animation, short and feature animation documentary film, short and feature screenplay.
All Submitted Film and Screenplay (script) entries are viewed & read by programming team & our int'l committee.
Festival's pre-selection team decides approx. '19’ shortlisted films and max.15 'script' screenplay entries for December 2014 final's! All shortlisted film and screenplay (writers), will be notified in time and ask to attend the festival.
The Winners for film and screenplay are announced on stage and celebrated during the final gala awards celebration evening in Monte Carlo.
OPEN FOR SUBMISSION: short/feature film, short/feature documentary film, short/feature/animation film, short/feature screenplay.
Quote from a participating filmmaker;
We like to thank the festival for the overwhelming terrific experience at the Monaco International Film Festival. It was definitely a filmmaker's festival - a perfect blend of glamour, fun and appreciation for the art of filmmaking. There was an amazing array of opportunities to make contacts as well as new friends in an international community. The award we were honoured with was the icing on the cake!
For more information on how to submit your film or screenplay or view some of the recent entries & winners (David Lynch (2013), Nelson Mandela (2012), follow us on Angel Film Awards-Facebook/page or official websites.
Best and Cheers, Rosana Golden and Dean Bentley (AFA founders - producer-director)