In a rare opportunity to contemplate the nature of their own existence and explore the essence of inner peace, dozens of inmates at two Texas prisons gained insights during screenings of the award-winning documentary film Dalai Lama Renaissance, narrated by Harrison Ford ( The film screened at the prisons as part of an ethics program organized by “Project Clear Light,” a nonprofit Buddhist volunteer organization that works with the Texas Department of Criminal Just...
The International Buddhist Film Festival will encourage Londoners to consider a whole new interpretation of the famous phrase ‘Mind the Gap’ this May.The festival takes place at the Barbican and will introduce the British public to Buddhist ideas, including that of the spiritual belief Bardo, through unexpected and inspiring feature films.The bardo is the Tibetan Buddhist concept which suggests there is an intermediate or transitional state, or 'gap,' between this life and the next. A number...
Buddhist Film Festival 2009: A new world perspective on Buddhist ideas and inspiration Presented at the Barbican: May 7th to 17th
The International Buddhist Film Festival is coming to London to offer the United Kingdom a fresh perspective on world cinema with a Buddhist touch. It will celebrate Buddhist ideas and inspiration represented in all film, from Eastern documentaries to Hollywood blockbusters; showing more than 40 films from 18 countries including 27 UK premieres.
The I...
The International Buddhist Film Festival presents outstanding films from all over the world, embracing a broad and fluid definition of "buddhist"--features, docs, animation and shorts.
MOONDANCE 2007 AUDIENCE FAVORITE FILMS*FEATURE FILM: Waiting for Dublin, Roger Tucker, directorSHORT FILM: The Windfisherman, Anna McRoberts, directorFEATURE DOCUMENTARY FILM: Dalai Lama Renaissance, Khashyar Darvich, directorSHORT DOCUMENTARY FILM: Honor Killing, Jessica Habie, directorANIMATION FILM: Mirage, Youngwoong Jang, directorSHORT FILM FOR KIDS: Dance of the Blue Angels, Steve Lichtag, directorMUSIC VIDEO: Never Ending, Martin Chab, director*compiled from audience comments during the f...
Wednesday, July 4-------While Independence Day for most people is usually a day at the beach or a backyard barbeque extravaganza, the Jacob Burns Film Center has taken a different tack to celebrate the July 4th holidays by presenting a three film series called THE MEDITATIVE LIFE, which explores the inner realities of existence (which can be just as explosive as any fireworks display).The series begins today with a special one week run of the German film INTO GREAT SILENCE by Philip Groning (...
Tuesday, March 27-----The Rubin Museum of Art, one of the foremost cultural institutions devoted to central Asian art, history and education, is hosting the New York premiere of ANGRY MONK, a documentary feature film directed by Luc Schaedler about the legendary Gendun Choephel (1903-1951). Choephel is a legendary figure in Tibet , not simply because he was believed to be the reincarnation of a famous Buddhist lama but also because he eventually turned his back on monastic life and became a fi...
The 5th annual Shriekfest Film Festival (a celebration for filmmakers and screenwriters of all ages) will take place at Raleigh Studios 5300 Melrose in Hollywood, CA (From the 101 freeway, take the Gower exit South to Melrose, go Left and the studios will be on the right across from Paramount Studios) there is plenty of street parking and a paid parking structure The fest will kick off with a panel of horror filmmakers September 10th sponsored by LA Indie Film Group, then continue with an openin...
First San Francisco Bay Area Festival: 28 January-13 February 2005Three Cities, Seventeen Days, Fifty Events.Rare Tornatore Work Starring Roman Polanski and Gerard Depardieu One of Fifteen Premieres; David O. Russell's Huckabees Infomercial Debuts; Films from Twelve Countries.After sold-out events in Los Angeles, New York and Washington, D.C., the International Buddhist Film Festival (IBFF) will present its first San Francisco Bay Area festival January 28, 2005 through February 13, 2005. Over fi...