The 14th Film Courage Interactive with David Branin and Karen Worden features the multi-award winning documentary ROLL OUT, COWBOY at The Downtown Independent in Los Angeles. ROLL OUT, COWBOY is directed by Elizabeth Lawrence, produced by Elizabeth Lawrence and Warner Boutin, edited by Elizabeth Ross, and stars Chris “Sandman” Sand as himself, the rappin’ cowboy.
His tour bus is broken, he bought his house for a thousand bucks, and the small farming town in which he lives is disappearing faster with each passing year. Roll Out, Cowboy’s Chris Sand is the face of the dying American West. Except for one thing: He raps.
Performance after the film by Chris Sand and party in the lobby.
WHEN: Monday 2-28-11
WHERE: The Downtown Independent, 251 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
TIME: 7:00 PM to Midnight (with afterparty following the screening and performance)
COST: $10.00 - Tickets can be purchased online ( and at the door.