be sold out soon. We have some fantastic programs and panels shaping
up. Down below is our list of confirmed panelists...
Important Dates...
July 30th Opening Night Gala. Official invites are on their way, but in
the meanwhile, you can rsvp at There will be food and liquor and beer and music.
July 31st First day of ITVFest!!!
August 3rd, Web TV Day sponsored by Tubefilter
August 4th International Day
August 5th MobiFest
Confirmed Panelists
July 31st, 11:30 AM
Polish Your Pitch
Barbara Weintraub, Executive Producer
Donna Michelle Anderson (DMA), Executive Producer
August 1st, 12:15 PM
Casting Panel: Good Actors Make Your Show Great
Matt Skrobalak, VP Casting CBS
Tricia Wood, "Dexter"
Megan Branman, "How I Met Your Mother"
Lisa Miller Katz, "According To Jim"
Debi Manwiller, "24"
Dorian Frankel, Curb Your Enthusiasm
August 1st, 2:30 PM
Development: Executives Explain
Scott Freeman, EVP Bunim Murray
Brandon Riegg, Executive Director of Alternative, ABC
Monika Zielinska, Manager, Comedy Central
David Bickel, Executive Producer, Yes, Dear
Andy Weil, Exectuvie, Berman Braun
August 2nd, 12:15 PM
Representation: How Do I Get That, Why Do I Need That?
Barry Kotler, Gersh
Melissa Myers, WME
Michael Pelmont, New Wave
Greg Gellman, Morris Yorn
August 2nd, 2:30 PM
Pitching: How Do I Do That
Damona Resnick, Director of Development, SyFy
Adrian Kulp, VP Development, Borderline Amazing
Jason Ensler, Director/Producer
Heath Corson, Executive Producer
Guy Shalem, Executive Producer
August 3rd, Web TV Day sponsored by Tubefilter
August 3rd, 12:00 PM
Let's Go Digital
Brandon Martinez, Digital Agent, Abrams Artists
Bob Jensen, Manager of New Media, SAG
August 3rd, 1:00
Developing For The Web sponsored by Unicorn Media
Ilsa Berg, Fox TV Studios
Ian Friedman, Atom
Warren Chao, My Damn Channel
Next New Networks
David Samuels,
Jigar Thakarar, CBS Interactive
August 3rd, 3:30 PM
Web TV or TV: Success Stories sponsored by Tubemogul
Lindsay Goffman, FreMantle, My Secret Girlfriend
Dan Levy, My Long Distance Relationship
Ben and Rafi Fine
David Burch, Tubemogul
Dina Kaplan, co-founder,
August 4th, 3:30 PM
International Format Panel: Selling Your Show Overseas
Karrie Wolfe, SVP RDF USA
Kevin Kappock, Former VP Lion Television
Matt Gaven, Executive Producer
August 5th 12:00 PM
Marketing Your Show
Sean and Lori Percival,
August 5th 3:30 PM
Multi Platform Panel: And Other Buzzwords
Frank Chindamo, Fun Little Movies
Saskia Wilson-Brown, Current TV
Tim Morse, Unicorn Media
Chris Denson, AFI Digital Content Lab
Mike Rotman, Producer/Writer/Director
August 5th, 8:30pm
Special Screening with Kevin Pollak
Kevin Pollak will be on hand to talk about his independent venture
which the LA Times describes thusly... "Kevin pollak’s Chat show is
streamed on the internet, and there’s no reason to stop a good
interview - not for time slots, not for commercials and certainly not
for censors. The long-format show is unlike anything else on the web or
certainly, with its unfiltered conversations, on broadcast television."