NOEMART association is established both by Collevecchio town council
as the Festival project leader and the social promoting association “
San Polo Formazione” as the main partner. The Noemart film festival
is born by the project of a group of people living and working in an
audiovisual production environment settled in the original Sabina
region. The festival comes as the result of an osmosis of experiences
based on the interchange between the local realities and a cultural
development. It’ll focus on the breaking down of cultural barriers
itself, involving, the province with the rest of the world, and a
variety of people, nations, civilizations and continents ,in the
pursuit of the Art in documentaries then in life.
the documentary with an artistic value is what the festival will be
focusing on. Taking inspiration from Flaerthy and Ivens works where
the magic of life is exalted by images like the wait of a fisher, the
rain falling, a flowing river, characterizing reality as poetry. This
artistic way of portraying the life is much more typical of painters
then tellers. The festival to this purpose proposes a whole module
dedicated to documentary on Art only, in order of inspiring a new way
of thinking and meditate on the assonance between art and
documentary. NOEMA, greek word, means thought or even intention:
revealing the art through the documentary. The festival debates will
focus on the actual role of documentary in our society and on his
interaction with the commercial value. “It's difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper”, (Rod Serling).