Introducing The Fan Boy Film Festival, an online film festival for filmmakers who want to share their art with fans and interact with other filmmakers - Are you a filmmaker with a great piece? Do you love films? Then The Fan Boy Film Festival is the place for you. Stream great new films, vote, and share the experience.
There is no submission fee and they are awarding a $10,000 Grand Prize for the Best Film.
The Fan Boy Film Festival accepts features, documentaries, shorts, student films, web series, trailers, music videos and original trailers in the following genres: science fiction, drama, comedy, fantasy, horror, action, animation, superhero, and fan film.
Fan Boy doesn’t believe in stuffy judge boards found at typical film festivals and have decided that the winners should be decided entirely by fan votes. Fan Boy believes films are great regardless of subjective metrics and that the fans should be the judges.
The experience is 100 percent FREE. No politics and no BS with an easy upload process and an enjoyable experience.
And did I mention the money prizes? Feature Film - $10,000 Prize Finalists' films will be featured on for the duration of the festival. A cash prize will be awarded to the best film in this category as selected by Fan Boy voters. Submissions to the Feature Film category will be made only via Film Freeway. You can access the Film Freeway page by clicking the submit button on the right. Film Captured Entirely on a Smart Device - $5,000 Prize These days films are created on more than just traditional cameras. That's why we have a category specifically for films created on a smartphone or tablet. A cash prize will be awarded to the best film in this category as selected by Fan Boy Voters. Shorts - $10,000 Prize Finalists in this category will be featured on for the duration of the festival. All shorts are eligible to win the $10,000 grand prize. The cash prize will be awarded to the short film with the most votes by Fan Boy voters. Memes - $1,000 Prize Memes are funny, clever and creative. Everyone LOVES a good Meme. That's why we are awarding $1,000 to the Best Meme. All memes submitted and accepted through will be posted before and after the festival. Entries will be viewable and votable shortly after posting. The only way to win is by getting the most votes, so share your meme once it's up on the gallery. Check back on the site to see your meme uploaded. Online film festivals are the wave of the future. Be part of the future with Fan Boy. Even after the festival is over - you can house your film on the Fan Boy servers for free and take part in the rev-share off the ads we play on the films. We let you decide.
The Fan Boy Film Festival is an online film festival for filmmakers who want to share their art with fans and interact with other filmmakers.
Fan Boy is awarding a $10,000 Grand Prize for the Best Film.
Fan Boy Film Festival accepts features, documentaries, shorts, student films, web series, trailers, music videos and original trailers in the following genres: science fiction, drama, comedy, fantasy, horror, action, animation, superhero, fan film, fandom related genres and many more. We want it ALL. If you see it at a Comic Con or on the internet then it belongs on Fan Boy!