Acclaimed Syrian director Mohammed Malas will be joined by internationally renowned filmmakers and actors to form the Arab Film Competition Jury for Narrative Films at the third annual Doha Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF). The news came as the Doha Film Institute (DFI) announced the jury for the inaugural DTFF Arab Documentary Film Competition, which will be led by pioneering and award-winning British documentary filmmaker Nick Broomfield (Kurt & Courtney, Battle for Haditha, Biggie & Tup...
In an historic moment for Arab film-making and Middle Eastern creative talent, the world premiere of Arabian film epic, Black Gold, will open the Doha Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF) 2011. The movie, a unique and authentic insight into the region and one of the biggest cinematic projects ever undertaken in the Arab world, will set the agenda for the internationally-renowned festival.
Black Gold, co-produced by DFI and Tarak Ben Ammar’s Quinta Communications, is directed by Jean-Jacques A...
Hawi won Best Arab Film and Balls picked up the award for Best Arab Filmmaker in recognition for its screenplay at the second Doha Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF) which came to a dramatic end at the Closing Night Gala and open-air concert by superstar Ragheb Alama along the Arabian Gulf at Katara Cultural Village.The First Grader and Grandma, A Thousand Times won the Audience Awards for Best Narrative Film and Best Documentary Film. The prize for Best Arab Short Film went to Sirwar Zirkly’s Missi...
During a press conference at the Villaggio Cineplex in Doha this morning, the Doha Film Institute (DFI) announced the Arab Film Competition, the first 30 titles in the World Panorama section, the Arab Short Film Competition and a Special Screening for the 2nd annual Doha Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF). This year the Festival, which runs from 26-30 October, will present a rich showcase including 4 world premieres. Headlining the second edition is award-winning French-Algerian director Rachid Boucha...
BitTorrent, Inc., home to the world's leading peer-assisted file distribution platform, today announced its support for the 7th annual Duke City Shootout, the first international script-to-screen digital filmmaking competition. BitTorrent is collaborating with the Digital Filmmaking Institute (DFI), which oversees the Duke City Shootout week-long filmmaking festival, to deliver all of the digital shorts from the past six festivals. Beginning today, the shorts, 42 in total, will be available for ...