Welcome to the International Online Film Festival!
The International Online Festival is now accepting film submissions for its 1st edition, slated for 1 October 2016, which will host over 150 countries and 1,000 films.
The International Online Festival is quarterly, taking place every 3 months, and is open to any professional film produced within the last 5 years, from any country, for the Official Competition, and any professional film older than 5 years, from any country, for the Out-of-Competition archives.
Each country will have its own section and competition. Each country section is divided into features in competition, shorts in competition, and out-of-competition archives. Winners of the country competitions, as decided by audience voting, will establish the pre-selection for the Official Competition.
The festival is open to all genres (features, shorts, documentaries, animation…).
The festival is non-exclusive in nature.
Following each competition all films remain on the website in the out-of-competition archives for 12 months (renewable) for streaming and downloading.
All films will be screened before acceptance. Notification of acceptance will be sent to filmmakers within 48h via email.
The demo version of the website is now online and the active countries are CHINA, FRANCE, GERMANY, and the UNITED KINGDOM, each with 16 films each, and is located at:
USER: festival
PASS: B747747b
We strongly urge you to explore the website to understand its operation and scope.
All films, not shot in English, must be submitted with either embedded or SRT English subtitles (for both the preview trailer and the film itself). We also offer a full range of subtitling services for all languages on the website.
The Festival operates exclusively on a principle of Monthly Passes, sold for $29.95/month, enabling users to either stream or download any film on the website (including archives) to increase the number of films viewed.
Filmmakers, whether in Competition or Out-of-Competition, will be paid quarterly 50% of all net profits stemming from the sale of our Monthly Passes, in proportion to the number of times each film has been streamed or downloaded. Shorts, as opposed to features, will receive a 1/6 share.
The Official Jury Award for Best Feature Film is $12,500 with a 2nd place prize of $6,250.
The Official Jury Award for Best Short is $6,250 with a 2nd place prize of $3,125.
The Audience Award for Best Feature Film is $6,250 with a 2nd place prize of $3,125.
The Audience Award for Best Short is $3,125 with a 2nd place prize of $1,600.
Prizes are awarded every 3 months.
The 1st gala awards ceremony will take place in one of the theatres of the renowned Angelika Cinema Center in New York City.
To submit a film, go to the "Submissions" page, after carefully reading "Terms & Conditions", download the Submissions Form (Word file) and return it to us, along with your Submissions Fee (see below) and required materials (trailer, film, poster, photos, biography, synopsis, credits & crew, prizes, awards, nominations, etc.).
The Submissions Fee is $50 for a feature, and $25 for a short (non-refundable). All payments are to be made by PayPal, payable to info@international-online-film-festival.com.
Submissions close on July 15, 2016.
We invite filmmakers, journalists, etc. wishing to take part in the Official Jury to contact us along with their credentials and references.
The applicant warrants and declares that he holds all rights to the film for its worldwide distribution online on the Festival's website, and is fully empowered to submit the film to the Festival.
The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless Festival from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees, court costs, etc.) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, etc.
The Festival reserves the right to change any dates, price of Monthly Passes, or make any and all other changes to the Festival, at any time, as it deems fit.
For complete infomation on rules, visit the Terms & Conditions page on our website.