These images are from a lost film I made many years ago, which was a work of imagination, inspired by Tahiti, but made in Australia.This film, entitled "The Rhododendron People" was originally shot on colour 16mm format, and screened at The St Kilda Film Festival. In the film, an artist 'attempts to capture Tahiti' on canvas. In his paintings, he blends nature, with the people, in his world, calling them "The Rhododendron People".
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A cultured city with beautiful, elegant Victorian architecture, Melbourne's Christmas season is dampened by rain and wet, even in summer. The "garden state", Victoria, boasts world heritage houses and gardens which feature in the films, "Foundations Of The Heart" a story which originated from a novella, written by the director, and "The Pink Lady", an original script, also by the director, based on legend researched from Australia's past. Both films are distinctly romantic in style, feeling and ...
read a passage from a “Foundations of The Heart” extract, the novella from which the screenplay was adapted;
A densely knitted blackness surrounded them after the sun had completely disappeared from the sky. The gypsies moved around her, carrying drums, pipes and tobacco. One of the uncles sat and began to lightly strum on his mandolin, the music trickled over her ears and consciousness beautifully, and relaxed, she stood up and began walking back to the caravan, the sweet smell of barbecue...