Hot Docs, the Toronto
Documentary Film Festival, is focusing on SEE countries for the 2012 Festival,
and the deadline is just a month away—Jan. 13, 2012. Filmmakers with
documentaries from or about Albania, Austria, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cypress, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro,
Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey should apply. Submit your docs (any
topic, any length), postmarked by 1/13/12, to:
Docs Canadian International Do...
Here's another great opportunity to see films from South
East Europe in Los Angeles. And it's free! Today (and later this week too) you
can see two SEE films at the AFI Film Festival:
-- Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Turkey/Bosnia) is
Turkey’s official submission for the Foreign Language Oscar, today at 1:30pm at
the Egyptian, and Nov. 10 at 3:45pm at the Chinese. Details:
-- The Forgiveness of Blood (USA/Albania/Denmark/Italy)...
Hello folks! I’m back from a couple trips out of town
(family stuff, without my computer) so I could not blog for a while. But now
that I’m back in town, I can catch the second half of the AFI Festival in Los
Angeles, which runs through Nov. 10. Screenings are free! – though of course
you still need a ticket, available at
For more on AFI, check out today’s article in the LA
Times, “Finding Passion for Film,” featuring an interview with...