Brazilian Director Kleber Mendonça Filho directs his second feature film Aquarius after successfully entering the film festival circuit in 2012 with his debut Neighbouring Sounds. Starring Sonia Braga as a 65 year old retired music critic who, although remaining the last resident of the Aquarius complex in Recife, decides to give a battle and keep her property which unexpectedly takes on a journey back in time. Old memories and her life adventures are brought up to the surface of her co...
In 2015 FEST is bringing to Portugal some of the most relevant short fiction films in the world. Thirty one films, from twenty one countries will be competing for the Best Short and Audience Awards.
With a wide array of styles and tendencies, the program includes some truly obligtory works, such as the much talked about Leidi, from colombian filmmaker Simon Mesa Soto, winner of the Palme D’Or in Cannes among many other awards, a film that shows us the daily life in a Colombian slum...
ÉCU 2012 is hosting a huge number of films from all over the world and we are lucky enough to be the stage for several films making their European debut! So not only will cinemas full with ÉCU audience members be witnessing these talented works but it is just the beginning for these filmmakers and their films.
The ÉCU European Independent Film Festival does not take this responsibility lightly and is hard at work making sure this festival is going to be the best one yet. With a range of a...
"Labirent" is one of the movies in the Official Selection of ÉCU 2012. A
massive explosion rips though a busy street in Istanbul, Turkey. 95
people are dead; 30 Americans and 5 British. The massacre sends shock
waves from Turkey to London and Washington, DC. A new terrorist
organization is behind the attack. The explosion is just the beginning.
est un film de la séléction officielle ...
ÉCU's media partner, The New Current is a website that offers a fresh
stream of student media and is currently running a series of interviews
with the student filmmakers who have been shortlisted in the student
category of the ÉCU 2012 Film Festival! This interview features the
director of 'Goldfish Love', Elin Gronblom, so check it out and stay
tuned for more interviews! // Le partenaire média d'ÉCU, The New Current est un site qui propose de divertissement multimédia de nouve...
"The Runner" is one of the movies in the Official Selection of ÉCU 2012.
The Runner is about a little boy from a township in Cape Town. He needs
to find money for his mother's vital surgery and pays a high price that
changes his world. The lead role is played by 10-year old Cwangco
Mayekiso who actually lives in the Gugulethu township .
Runner" est un film de la séléction officielle 2012 � ...
Natacha is our intern from Norway and in this video she talks about her favourite Norwegian film, Reisning, part of the ÉCU 2012 official selection. Check out this video for a snapshot of the film and stay tuned for more trailers!
Notre stagiaire Norvégienne parle du film Norvégien 'Reisning' qui fait partie de la sélection officielle ÉCU 2012. Regardez cette vidéo pour un aperçu du film qu'elle a choisi et être sûr de rester à l'écoute pour plus de remarques!
Our Polish intern, Marta, talks about the Polish film 'The Game' which
is part of the ÉCU 2012 official selection. Check out this video for a
snapshot of the film and be sure to stay tuned for more trailers!
stagiaire Polonaise parle du film Polonais 'The Game', qui fait partie
de la sélection officielle ÉCU 2012. Regardez cette vidéo pour un aperçu
du film qu'elle a choisi et être sûr de rester à l'écoute pour plus de
Our Chinese intern, Jennet, talks about the Chinese film 'Four and a
Half Years Old', part of the ÉCU 2012 official selection. Check out this
video for a snapshot of the film and be sure to stay tuned for more
Notre stagiaire Chinoise parle du film Chinois 'Four
and a Half Years Old', qui fait partie de la sélection officielle ÉCU
2012. Regardez cette vidéo pour un aperçu du film qu'elle a choisi et
être sûr de rester à l'écoute pour plus de remarques!
" Rima in Beirut" is one of the movies in the Official Selection of ÉCU
2012. Rima is a shy and insecure girl, yet very curious and imaginative.
At the age of 19, she moves to Beirut to lead an independent life away
from her parents. Everything changes when she buys her first camera that
will accompany her in her rounds in the city. One day, she discovers in
her photos a young man who follows her everywhere.
" Rima in
Beirut" est un film de la séléction offic...
"Alone" is one of the movies in the Official Selection of ÉCU 2012. When
a man wakes up to find his city deserted, he realizes that he has the
opportunity to do everything he has always wanted to do. // "Alone"
est un film de la séléction officielle 2012 à l'ÉCU. Quand un homme se
réveille pour trouver sa ville déserte, il réalise qu'il a une chance de
faire tout ce qu'il a toujours voulu.
"The Squirrel and The Penguin" is an official selection of ÉCU 2012.
This short film is a narrated tale following squirrels and penguins and
features a showcase of brilliant animation. // "The Squirrel and The Penguin" fait partie de la
sélection officielle d'ÉCU 2012. Ce court métrage est un conte suivant
des écureuils et des pingouins, il est mis en valeur par une brillante
GlobalFest FilmFest is excited to kick off Exposed with the Calgary Premiere of Official Rejection, directed by Paul Osborne, at the Plaza Theatre (1133 Kensington Road NW). In addition, guests can enjoy great pre-screening hospitality provided by Yardhouse and live entertainment at our official pub: Palomino Smokehouse.
This year's lucky GlobalFest FilmFest audience members will not only receive a complimentary ticket to Finale Night at the 2010 GlobalFest Finale Night at Elliston Park ...
London Taiwan Cinefest Official Website
Discovering Latin America Film Festival Official Website
London Turkish Film Festival Official Website
Sinefest - UK's Largest Independent Singapore Film Festival Official Website
London Korean Film Festival Official Website