Lyric places of Europe invade my remembrances. I follow the routes of symbolists, of the silver age lyricists and prosaists. The Eastern France, especially Elsace, saturates my vision with Nabokovian plots of Marceille, Lion, Strasbourg. Also Nabokov's characters catch my attention in Eastern Switzerland, il cuore francese di Svizzera; in Berlin where his formerly Russian protagonists arrived and where they inspiratedly abode.
I glide over memorable pages of novellas by Nabokov.
Blok, Beli...
Dear festival owners, my colleagues by genre and masters of artistic spaces-and-spots.
I create and release films of the European symbolism and, namely, of modernism of the East Europe. Among my protagonists, there are Mandelstam, Blok, Tsvetaeva, Sologoub; Gippius, Poplavsky, Gazdanov, Beliy, Georgy IvAnov, Vyach. IvAnov, Khodasevitch, Mayakovsky, etc. I traveled their spots in European Russia, the Ukraine, Georgia, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Magrib. I created feature screen plots of...