Music documentary film 1 Day With Chinaski" is being shown as part of ACTION ON FILM INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL on September 20, 2015 at 6:00 PM in Monrovia, CA
This film was shot in collaboration with CHINASKI music production and co-directed by Ester Brym & Ondra Skoch.
It will have its USA Premiere at this year’s AOF International Film Festival in Monrovia, California.
One of the most popular Czech music bands Chinaski is profiled in this user generated documenta...
Czech director Ester Brym is ready to showcase her 2nd feature film called Autumn of Route 66.
The World Premiere with take place Monday, August 19th, 2013 at 8PM at Action on Film International Film Festival in Monrovia, California.
Ester's first film have received multiple awards and have been broadcasted all over the world via UK based distributor Journeyman Pictures.
This time around, the filmmaker takes us on a journey of a lifetime:
Visually stunning experience that will leave you ...
Czech director based in Los Angeles, Ester Brym, has a new film in the works. After her multi-Award winning feature Butterflies that profiled the Internet celebrity, her 2nd feature is much more personal and visually stunning. Autumn of Route 66 documents ones journey through the history, the incredible experience of driving the first American highway, Mother of all roads, the Route 66.
Brym is currently in late post-production stage and raising finishing funds to complete the ...
Teaser for new feature documentary by director Ester Brym, the Autumn of Route 66
New project from Ester Brym's factory is Czech music documentary called Netoč Nás, Natoč Sebe (Film Yourself, Not Us) featuring the band Chinaski and its fans.
Each day during their 2011 World Tour, the fans were told to film whatever happens to them right before the concert and submit the footage for this unusual film inspired by Ridley Scott's Life in a Day.
Not only fans, but also all members of the band shot sometimes funny, sometimes sad and sometimes very usual progress of ...
CYLINDR je přitahován k známému místu, a zdá se, k novým vzpomínkám. Prosévání artefaktů minulých životů je klíčem k filmu. "Možná?" že CYLINDR čaruje?
TOPHAT is drawn towards a familiar place, or so it seems, and ponders about new memories. Sifting through artifacts from former lives remains aroll of film. "Perhaps?" TOPHAT wonders.
Director: Leigh Anthony Dehaney (Julian Zyphichore).
Kroky Viktorie Tipp
cestou domů přitáhne
magická síla zdi, kde jí
zaujme nejen svým
zevřením a pohltí
průchod časoprostorem.
Její osobnost i deštník
zjistí různorodé okamžiky
překrývající se v čase.
Walking home Vikotria Tipp notices a
panel leaning against a wall. After pausing
for a closer look, she finds herself,
her persona, and umbrella overlapping
with disparate moments in time.
Director: Leigh Anthony Dehaney (Julian Zyphichore).
synopse shortTOPHAT revisits and replaces moments - for the first and last time.synopse longTOPHAT is drawn towards a familiar place, or so it seems, and ponders about new memories. Sifting through artifacts from former lives remains a roll of film. "Perhaps?" TOPHAT wonders.Inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the Super 8 Filmmakers Challenge (Canada) "PRVNÍ A POSLEDNÍ" portrays a derelict moment in time that begins with an ending.
Kroky Viktorie Tipp cestou domů přitáhne magická síla zdi, kde jí zaujmenejen svým zevřením a pohltí průchod časoprostorem. Její osobnost i deštník zjistí různorodé okamžiky překrývající se v čase.Walking home Vikotria Tipp notices a panel leaning against a wall. Afterpausing for a closer look, she finds herself, her persona, and umbrellaoverlapping with disparate moments in time. --Genre: ExperimentálníTRT: 00:10:00CZ, 2...
Hello Butterflies:
The festival round is coming to its
end with Butterflies screening this Sunday for the very last time on a
big screen at First Glance Film Fest in Philadelphia.
You can find the info here:
all your requests on the videos, we realize we can't bring the film
everywhere. But, because we know that lot of you can't make the
festival screenings, we are deciding on our next step and want to bring
the Award Winning film...
Join Butterflies fanpage to get invited to all other upcoming screenings:
September is here and Butterflies is ready:)
Sept 5th in the Czech Republic, Sept 11th and 13th and Temecula, California,
Sept 16th in New York City and Sept 26th-27th in Montana.
Now, anyone can see that it is absolutely impossible for me to make to all these fests.
Plus, I have to be in Virginia on the 23rd.
So, now what?
However, there is some good news! The Butterflies fanpage just reached its 600th fan!!!!
That is a great number! That is more than half on the way to the magical 100...
Other dates and cities to be announced bellow:
Butterflies will screen at:
Freeze Fest, Czech Republic, September 5th, 2009
Temecula Valley International Film Festival, September 9-13th, 2009
New Filmmakers, New York City, September 16th, 2009
Montana Independent Film Festival, September 27th-28th, 2009
First Glance Philadelphia, October 2009
Join Butterflies here and get invited to the next screening !
Promote Your Page Too
Please come to the World Premiere of the first feature film about
YouTube, Butterflies. YouTube on a big screen for the very first time
AOF (Action on FIlm) International Film Festival
July 27th, 2009 @ 8PM
Theater 1 at the Regency Academy Theatre
673 East Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA
Tickets can be purchased at:
The official event invite is on Facebook here: