Did you know that in 2017, after marijuana was legalized in California, an artist/prankster climbed up to the sign, at night, in the rain and altered the world famous sign from Hollywood to Hollyweed, thus causing an international news story and creating a psychological disruption for the business as usual residents of Los Angeles. We aim to disrupt business as usual with the Hollyweed Film Festival. You know the drill, submit your film, pay the fee and never hear back from whatever festiva...
The Hollyweed Film Festival is proud to announce a a limited time low entry fee off of $10 US for short and longform films All Genres including: Action, Adventure, Alternative, Animation, Art, Avantgarde, Biography, Classics, Comedy, Comedy Drama, Crime, Culture, Dance, Dark Comedy, Documentary, Family, Fantastic, Fantasy, Film Noir, Flash, Health, History, Horror, Human Rights, Independent, Kids, LGBTI, Live Action, Medical, Melodrama, Mockumentary, Music Video’s, Mystery, Nature, News...
Director: Peter Hastie.
A woman's descent into spirit.
Experimental film derived from video footage of an art installation by Kate E Deeming.
While most of the techniques in evidence - dissolves, fades, double exposures etc - were in use within a few years of the birth of cinema, they are presented here in a context which highlights their potential within the digital era, serving the needs of an ever-expanding visual language.
Threads was edited within a single editing program. No additional plug-ins were used.
Music: Scope J by Scott Walker (vocals by Ute Lemper). International festival screening rights secured.