Beckmann Wells studied cinema and animation at the University of
Southern California. After the graduation she worked at Philips Media
and Warner Digital as an animator. For many years she’s been working as
a manager in companies like Film Roman and DreamWorks as Head of
Training and Development and as chair of a new department at the
Savannah College of Art and Design. She is the author of three
Animation textb...
Buffalo International Film Festival 2008 animated logo by Steven Kerr, Orchard Park, New York, United States
Wholphin: Issue 1 was my introduction to this innovative approach to film. The Wholphin film series is touted as “a quarterly DVD magazine, published by McSweeney’s, lovingly encoded with unique and ponderable films designed to make you feel the way we felt when we learned that dolphins and whales sometimes, you know, do it.” That last part is fodder for a film I’d need to see before I believe it. But the sentiment evoked by viewing Wholphin might best be describe...
The Lake Arrowhead Film Festival is proud to announce the 2009 Lake Arrowhead Film Festival Online. This year we will be offering an outstanding lineup of short films in various categories for your online viewing pleasure.
The book is illustrated by Quentin Blake.
The original version was released in 1982, in that time Dahl wanted to renew the traditional tales using his subversive and critic humour. Now, is Alfaguara who reprints “Cuentos en verso para niños perversos” in its Spanish version. A visit to Cinderella’s, Snowhite´s and the three little pig’s houses but without fussiness. The collaboration of Blake makes this work a really interesting piece.
Team Signups for the Project Twenty1 21-Day Filmmaking Competition are now open, so if you think you can make a film or animation in three weeks, sign up before the registration period is over! You do not need to be local to participate, and all completed films will be screened at the Philadelphia International House Theater, plus compete for awards, prizes & DVD distribution!Also, Project Twenty1 is now accepting PRE-EXISTING short and feature-length films and animations for its Philly Fi...
Chance and Happenstance, the World Premiere of the Spanish Film 3:19 by Felicia TomaskoOn a whim, we walked into one of the screenings of the world premiere of 3:19. The danger is that this story could be depressing. After all, it takes its title from the Genesis passage ending “for dust you are and to dust you will return.” One 26-year-old member of a trio of friends is dying of terminal cancer. While this story of friendship, love and loss could conceivably be dark and mournful, director...
In a society controlled by an ecclesiastical dictatorship, a pastor has without without knowing a double existence: priest during the day,he changes his personality when the night is coming. He paces up and down the city's streets, looking for some marginals to execute them for power's account. When he's aware of it, his rebellion starts which is going to speed up his end.
Hello, this is my first ever blog anywhere!!
I am Toni Powell and am the Festival Director of Heart of Gold in sunny sunny Queensland, Australia.
This is our second year and our first was a runaway success with 123 films shown over 4 days to around 3,500 attendees.
We gave out over $20,000 worth of prizes and $12,500 of that was cash!. Filmmakers who attended really raved about their experiences... I may post some of their letters on other blogs...
For better or worse,...
"La mia migliore amica" di Stefano Buonamico
Until March 31, 2008, it will be possible to send in film works in order to take part in the fifth edition of IFF (Imaginaria Film Festival) which will take place in Conversano (Italy) on 20-26 July 2008. All the information regarding the registration and the official Call for Entry can be found on the website click here After the success of the fifth edition, which was particularly appreciated by the critics and by the audience because of the accurate selection of the competing works, the Fe...
Tam Tam Digifestival sponsors IPSE DIGIT, a competition reserved to digital audio-video productions.
If you have realized only by digital a videoclip, an Internet documentary, a mobile movie or a newsreel reportage, please send your work to: Coop. Tam Tam, Via Ugo Niutta 33, 80128 Napoli / Naples - Italy.
It can last from one minute to one hour.
The competion is from October 1st to December 31st 2006. It will award 5 between the best works in each section (Digi Music, Fahrenheit Planet, Mobile T...
Promotional Animation for the SILVERDOCS Documentary Festival at the Discovery Communications Center Building, Silver Springs, Maryland, USA.