As a very creative fashion photographer, he has worked in the 80’s with the press agency Imapress which has published his photos in 25 countries, Sud Images Studio in Marseilles and CEO of Maisons-Laffitte Photo-Club, from 1994 to 1997, and CEO of AZ Pictures, actually. Iconoclastic and provocative, with his very saturated and ...
‘I put subversive ideas in writing, drawing, painting, shooting photography and films.’
After 25 years in real estate in Luxury and photographer, Alain Zirah decides to change its destiny and founded OFF de Cannes Festival, in 2005. During 72th Cannes Film Festival, 2019 May, he was under the limelights during differents events.
The fashion designer Serine Kurt won the Fashion Grand Prix of the Great International Web Contest. Alain Zirah & Aleah Leigh (Dragon L...
‘72th Cannes festival was the worst film festival but the best OFF de Cannes festival.’
During 72th Cannes Film Festival, 2019 May, Alain Zirah and Anne Gomis were happy to put the contest winners under the limelights during differents events.
The model Annie Kinnen, our swiss banker, the producer Steven Nia, the fashion designer Valeriya Banina, Alain Zirah and the singer Richard Rivault.
An interview about 2019 Cannes Festival with Alain Zirah
‘I put subversive ideas in writing, drawing, painting, shooting photography and films.’
After 25 years in real estate in Luxury and photographer, Alain Zirah decides to change its destiny and found OFF de Cannes Festival, in 2005. During 72th Cannes Film Festival, 2019 May, he was under the limelights during differents events.
The fashion designer Serine Kurt won the Fashion Grand Prix of the Great International Web Contest. Alain Zirah & Aleah Leigh (Dragon Lad...
In May 2015, for the decade, AZ PRODUCTIONS & CONCEPT INITIATIVE present OFF DE CANNES, celebrating 10 years of excellence. The OFF de CANNES presents THE RETROSPECTIVE OF TOMORROW’s TALENTS (2005-2015).
The OFF DE CANNES and the International Great Digital Film Contest on the web, created by Anne GOMIS, celebrate the 10th birthday in MAJESTIC, in the place where the history began in May 2005. Since ten years, the glitter twins have discovered more than 3.700 artists and NEW TALE...
Till ten years, the OFF de Cannes create the surprise on La Croisette. Alain Zirah and Anne Gomis, from Marseilles, make a tribute fot two exceptional dancers disapeared around 50: Rudolf Noureev and Michael Jackson.
The Russian producer Alfiya Chebotareva came specially to submit her film Rudolf Noureev rebellious demon to a panel of distinguished guests among which Alan Reeves, 35 awards and Kill Bill 2 for Quentin Tarantino, Michael Winkler The GlitterKing, rockstar from Berlin, and Franck K...
Ayden Ramin, Direcstar TV presentor, join the OFF DE CANNES team with SAS princess Esther Kamatari, from Boulogne-Billancourt Hotel de Ville, and Bruno Gaccio, Canal+. Ayden sign the golden book to support the event for films, music and fashion shows.
During the OFF DE CANNES PARTY in ATRIUM BEACH, President Max Howard explains to Alain Zirah and Bruno Chatelin how he'll speak to the jury for the challenge.
After the films shortlisted for cinema LES ARCADES, then at CARLTON BEACH, the 2012 OFF DE CANNES awards ceremony was held at CARLTON BEACH chaired by Mr Max Howard, producer of the film "The Lion King".
And the winner is .....
• Best Actor: Jicey CARINA in the movie "The unfortunate chance to meet" by Charly G.
• Best Actress: Mari Yoshida in the film "The Blood" by William Tauveron