The 13th Annual Film Noir festival, known affectionately as "Noir City", arrived at its usual venue, the fabled Egyptian theater on Hollywood Boulevard, on April 1st, settling in for a three week run until April 20. Here dedicated Noir fans and many merely curious drop-ins will be treated to a series of established classics of the genre and rarely seen new discoveries in a viewer friendly "double feature" format -- just like the old days -- two distinctive black and white features from Hollywoo...
The programme of this year's San Sebastian International Film Festival include three cycles
This year, the 59th edition of San Sebastian International Film Festival, running from 16-24 September, returns to its tradition of programming three cycles. The usual retrospective dedicated to a classic filmmaker will be accompanied by another two thematic cycles.
In its 59th edition, San Sebastian Festival will dedicate a complete retrospective to...
Rodina Cinema Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, Jack Nicholson, Rita Hayworth, Kirk Douglas; John Huston, Billy Wilder, Jacques Tourneur, Charles Vidor, Robert Aldrich, Stanley Kubrick, and Roman Polanski are all featured in our festival FILM NOIR: THE OTHER SIDE OF HOLLYWOOD! from February 17 to 27 in St.Petersburg, Russia.
We are pleased to pre...
To start at the end, the final film of the now fabulous "Noir City" festival in Seattle, closing out a solid week of non-stop black-hearted delight, was "Wicked Woman" (1953) -- arguably, the purest 'noir' ever made. This was billed along with Fritz Lang's far more famous and far more arty "Scarlet Street" (1945), and the contrast between these two striking studies in wickedness is almost as striking as the films themselves. To start with, Lang was a very European "art director" and "Scarlet S...
"NOIR CITY SEATTLE" OPENS WITH RARITIES FROM THE DARK SIDE OF HOLLYWOOD by Alex DeleonThe traveling all-Film-Noir festival known as "Noir City", introduced personally by the San Francisco based "Czar of Noir", Eddie Muller, opened here at the SIFF theater in the Space Needle dominated Seattle Center on Friday, July 6, with a pair of seldom seen and hard-to-find dark films of the late forties, "Thieves' Highway" (FOX, 1949, 94 minutes) and "Deadline at Dawn" (RKO, 1946, 77 minutes). Both films w...
Documentary features are beginning to come into their own, not only on the festival circuit but in selected commercial cinemas as well, as more and more perceptive moviegoers, tired of paying ten dollars a shot for mainstream mindlessness, are beginning to look for films that actually have something to say. Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" was a real ground-breaker when it was awarded the top prize at Cannes two years ago, the first time a documentary film was so recognized at this topper of al...