Kierkegaard vs. Nietzsche, the Big Bang vs. the Book of Genesis, in The Tree of Life, Terrence Malick tackles the age old questions of “What is the meaning of life?” and “Is there life after death?”, and portrays them in an operatic, naturesque, supernova artform, while transcending philosophy, religion, nature, innocence, success, violence, and sterility on to the big screen. The film starts off with a verse from The Book of Job 58: 4, 7, “Where were you when I laid the foundations...
Kierkegaard vs. Nietzsche, the Big Bang vs. the Book of Genesis, in The Tree of Life, Terrence Malick tackles the age old questions of “What is the meaning of life?” and “Is there life after death?”, and portrays them in an operatic, naturesque, supernova artform, while transcending philosophy, religion, nature, innocence, success, violence, and sterility, on to the big screen. The film starts off with a verse from The Book of Job 58: 4, 7, “Where were you when I laid the foundatio...
I am not sure if it was completely intentional or just one of those alchemic side effects of working with what was available, but one of the unintentional strands of this year’s AFI-Discovery Channel Silverdocs Documentary Festival can only be described as “Nordic angst”, a unique kind of melancholy only found in the sun-starved nations of Scandinavia and northern Europe. A group of films from the region, of diverse subjects and filmic s...
"ALL SCREENS FEST" CINEMA TOUT ECRAN IN GENEVA BROADENS THE VIEW The 12th edition of the Cinéma Tout-Ecran Film and Television Festival took place in Geneva from October 3O to November 5, 2OO6. I must admit that never having been much of a TV fan and having to my credit (or discredit) an almost encyclopedic ignorance of TV sitcoms and famous long-running series (I never saw a single installment of "Dallas"), it was with a certain trepidation that I signed up for Tout-Ecran, wondering whether s...