In Retrospect... From RIFF 2010 to MIPCOM 2011... Last year the film at RIFF 2010 which stirred up quite a debate was this documentary, WHEN THE DRAGON SWALLOWED THE SUN (2010), which threatened to destabilize the friendly relationship between China and Iceland (the film is about China's oppressive hold over Tibet). Now one year later the film is being sold at the world's biggest TV market, MIPCOM, at Cannes; October 03-06, 2011.
Interview with director Dirk Simon from ...
During this closing weekend of the International Reykjavik Film Festival, the most talked about film at the festival will be shown in sold out theaters, the documentary When the Dragon Swallowed the Sun (2010) by director Dirk Simon. When the Dragon Swallowed the Sun is the new controversial film about China's ongoing occupation of Tibet. Over the past seven years, Dirk Simon shot 800 hours of film between India, Beijing and Tibet depicting the seemingly never ending content...
China puts pressure on Iceland to suppress the documentary “When the Dragon Swallowed the Sun” at the International Reykjavik Film Festival, which opened this Thursday.
The f...
By Alex Deleon-Sinha"The Sun Behind the Clouds": Tibet's Struggle for Freedom" was made by Indian filmmakers Tenzing Sonam and Ritu Sarin to commemorate the half century since the Dalai Lama's enforced flight from Tibet in 1960 to Dharamsala, India, where he set up a Tibetan government in exile. Ever since, His holiness DL XIV has traveled all over the world to promote the cause of Tibetan independence and peace in general, being treated everywhere with the kind of reverence usually reserved for...
“The Sun Behind The Clouds: Tibet’s Struggle for Freedom”Opens March 31st, 2010 at “Film Forum”Recently, at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, held this past January 5-18, 2010, screenings of Chinese features, “City of Life and Death” and “Quick, Quick, Slow”, were taken out of the film festival by the state-run China Film Group in order to protest the festival’s choice to show the “The Sun Behind The Clouds”, which takes on a unique Tibetan perspective on the...
“The Sun Behind The Clouds: Tibet’s Struggle for Freedom”Opens March 31st, 2010 at “Film Forum” Recently, at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, held this past January 5-18, 2010, screenings of Chinese features, “City ofLife and Death” and “Quick, Quick, Slow”, were taken out of the film festival by the state-run China Film Group in order to protest the festival’s choice to show the “The Sun Behind The Clouds”, which takes on a unique Tibetan perspective on...
In a rare opportunity to contemplate the nature of their own existence and explore the essence of inner peace, dozens of inmates at two Texas prisons gained insights during screenings of the award-winning documentary film Dalai Lama Renaissance, narrated by Harrison Ford ( The film screened at the prisons as part of an ethics program organized by “Project Clear Light,” a nonprofit Buddhist volunteer organization that works with the Texas Department of Criminal Just...
MOONDANCE 2007 AUDIENCE FAVORITE FILMS*FEATURE FILM: Waiting for Dublin, Roger Tucker, directorSHORT FILM: The Windfisherman, Anna McRoberts, directorFEATURE DOCUMENTARY FILM: Dalai Lama Renaissance, Khashyar Darvich, directorSHORT DOCUMENTARY FILM: Honor Killing, Jessica Habie, directorANIMATION FILM: Mirage, Youngwoong Jang, directorSHORT FILM FOR KIDS: Dance of the Blue Angels, Steve Lichtag, directorMUSIC VIDEO: Never Ending, Martin Chab, director*compiled from audience comments during the f...
Maui Film Festival director Barry Rivers and co-director Stella Rivers had the honor and privilege of presenting the inaugural Maui Film Festival Visionary Award to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama during his recent visit to Maui.The Visionary Award was presented to honor H. H. the14th Dalai Lama's heartfelt and lifelong commitment to inspire Humanity to care for both each other and all life on Earth, to express the Maui Film Festival's appreciation for the many ways in which the deep wisdom of ...
Tuesday, March 27-----The Rubin Museum of Art, one of the foremost cultural institutions devoted to central Asian art, history and education, is hosting the New York premiere of ANGRY MONK, a documentary feature film directed by Luc Schaedler about the legendary Gendun Choephel (1903-1951). Choephel is a legendary figure in Tibet , not simply because he was believed to be the reincarnation of a famous Buddhist lama but also because he eventually turned his back on monastic life and became a fi...