Documenta Madrid invites you to the first masterclass who Frederick Wiseman will impart in Madrid. It will be at the Cine Estudio - Círculo de Bellas Artes next Tuesday 5th of May at 12:00am.
This year, Documenta Madrid is featuring the presence of Frederick Wiseman, one of the most important directors in documentary film since the 1970s. “How to read a Documentary” will be the title of the masterclass that the american director will impart in Madrid. It will be at the Cine Estudio - Círculo de Bellas Artes next Tuesday 5th of May at 12:00am. In this masterclass the director will use extracts from his films to explain how to read a documentary.
With his thirty five documentaries and numerous awards, most notably three Emmys, Frederick Wiseman (Boston, 1935) is one of the most important, widely seen and prolific documentary filmmakers in history. Taken as a whole, his films might be understood, as he himself has said, as “one single 50 hour-long film, like pieces of a great symphony”.
Of all the directors in so-called American direct cinema, Wiseman is the one who has built up an original filmography with the most rigor and coherence. One can see thematic and formal unity in his work with a common goal: the writing of a natural history of the United States. Most of his documentaries feature an institution. For him, they are an exceptional raw material, allowing him to delve deep into American society thanks to their strong metonymic character, as they represent micro-societies revealing the best and worst of American values.
Wiseman has always wanted to keep himself on the margin of ideologies. he has always strived to make the viewer more informed, plural and active. His work give the sensation that reality is being revealed before our eyes, as though the camera had never even been there.
The Frederick Wiseman retrospective will be show from 5th to 24th of May in Filmoteca Española. The opening of the season will be Tuesday 5th of May at 19:30pm with the film La dernière Lettre (2002).
Date: Tuesday, 5th of May
Hour: 12:00am
Place: Cine Estudio Círculo de Bellas Artes
Duration: 2 hours
With simultaneous translation
Deadline for the registration: Monday the 4 of May
Free entrance (until complete capacity). Limited places
Registration through
To access this masterclass its indispensable to submit the confirmation of the registration