Last night hackers’ initiative Anonymous hacked the websites of production company LEV Pictures and her film Plan C. The reason is a viral internet campaign for the new feature film Plan C. LEV Pictures placed a number of spoof clips on YouTube in which dialogues from the film were presented by Anonymous as proof of corruption in the Dutch police force.
These clips, in which detective Ronald Plasmeyer of the Amsterdam police (a role played by Ruben van der Meer) can be heard conversing with his criminal connections, was picked up by blogs and, among others, the Flemish newspaper De Morgen. And also, apparently, by Anonymous itself. Apart from the website hacks, Anonymous also released a video statement in which it claims ‘to be disgusted by the way in which its fight for truth is being abused for commercial purposes and shall attack the perpetrators’. This message by Anonymous can be seen on:
LEV Pictures feels Anonymous’ reaction is a little exaggerated. Sander Verdonk, producer with LEV Pictures, notes that ironically Anonymous is actually giving Plan C a publicity boost: “The angrier they get, the more attention we receive. But I do hope it stops here.”
Meanwhile LEV Pictures’ website is almost back online. Plan C is a feature film directed by Max Porcelijn about Ronald Plasmeyer (Ruben van der Meer), a police officer of dubious reputation with a gambling debt. To end his troubles, Ronald hires two small-time criminals to rob an illegal poker tournament. Plan C premieres in Dutch cinemas on March 1st.
16.02.2012 | Editor's blog
Cat. : Activism Amsterdam Anonymous Contact Details Cybercrime De Morgen detective Dutch police Film Information society Internet activism Internet censorship Max Porcelijn Person Career Person Location Plan C police officer Producer Project Chanology Ronald Plasmeyer Ruben van der Meer Sander Verdonk Scientology versus the Internet Technology Technology Van der Meer YouTube