SIX WEEKS, dir. Marcin Janos Krawczyk, Poland 2009, 18’
Six weeks – that much time is left for mothers to change their decision about giving a child to adoption. Meanwhile, newly born babies are taken to day care centres and wait for the course of events.
LAST TRAIN HOME, dir. Lixin Fan, Canada / China, 2009, 85’
More than 130 mln Chinese people work far away from home. They come back once a year – to celebrate the Chinese New Year`s Day. Qin`s parents are among those who left their children to earn for their better future and education. They want their children to graduate and not to work in a factory. However, Qin does not want to spend all her life in the countryside, she wants to leave her home and start working. Does one of her parents` visit is able to change her attitude and strenghten family ties?
FOUR BOYS, WHITE WHISKEY AND GRILLED MOUSE, dir. Wichanon Somumjarn, Thailand 2009, 10’
Late afternoon after the harvest...In one of the rice fields four teenagers transform a shed into a pub. There is whisky, grilled mouse and live music...
DISCO AND ATOMIC WAR dir. Jaak Kilmi, Kiur Aarma, Estonia / Finland 2009, 80’
Socialist Estonia enters television era. TV shows happy workers and children singing communist songs. The Soviet propaganda reaches Finland and Finland gives as good as it gets. Supported by the West, Finland launches a competitive TV channel reaching directly Estonian capital – Tallinn. Estonian minds are now occupied by Dallas soap opera and disco dance. Govermental bans and removing antennas from the roofs seem to be useless. When broadcast time comes, creativity of Estonian people goes beyond any borders.
IVAN AND LORIANA, dir. Stefano Cattini, Italy 2008, 10’
Adults who became deaf still remember sounds and melody of words. For children who were born deaf, it is really difficult to learn to speak. Kindergarden pupils Ivan and Loriana, led by nuns, exercise their tongues very carefully but they succeed most in mutual communication. A flesh of joy in their eyes during games and playing speaks for itself.
THE HOUSE, dir. Tayo Cortes, Columbia / Spain 2009, 70’
Mendez family are small sellers dreaming of a house with running water and electricity. They have been living illegaly for years in the outskirts of Bogota. They can be evicted any time. However, it is not the only problem of the family – the inner conflict makes their life even more difficult.
Tata zza żelaznej kurtyny, dir. Krzysztof Rzączyński, Poland 2009, 52’
Każde dotknięcie zostawia ślad, dir. Anna Zakrzewska, Joanna Turowicz, Poland 2009, 49’
Dokumentaliści, dir. Jędrzej Lipski, Piotr Mielech, Poland 2009, 50’
Żyłem 17 razy…, dir. Tadeusz Bystram, Stanisław Zawiśliński, Poland 2009, 58’
Komeda–muzyczne ścieżki życia, dir. Claudia Buthenhoff-Duffy, Poland/Germany 2009, 52’/
Kino Marjan, dir. Grzegorz Rogala, Poland 2010, 4’
Syn, dir. Jan Wagner, Poland 2009, 28’
Sprawa Janusza W., dir. Wojciech Jagiełło, Poland 2009, 29’
Nowa, dir. Tomasz Olejarczyk, Poland 2009, 20’
MC. Człowiek z winylu, dir. Bartosz Warwas, Poland 2010, 20'
Koniec Rosji, dir. Michał Marczak, Poland 2010, 58’
Kochankowie, dir. Rafał Skalski, Poland 2009, 51’
Między kroplami deszczu, dir. Kuba Karyś, Paulina Loszek, Poland 2010, 94’
Lech Majewski. Świat wg Bruegela, dir. Dagmara Drzazga, Poland 2009, 45’
Doktor Jimmy, dir. Janusz Barycki, Tomasz Szwan, Poland 2009, 30’
Ręka fryzjera, dir. Tadusz Król, Poland, 49’
Efekt Chopina, dir. Krzysztof Dzięciołowski, Poland 2010, 54'
Tournée, dir. Andrzej Mańkowski, Poland 2010, 51’
Budka, dir. Grzegorz Zariczny, Poland, 6'
Dzieci wolności, dir. Miłosz Kozioł, Poland, 20'
Prywatne śledztwo majora Zakirowa, dir. Jarosław Mańka, Poland, 15'
Nahacz, dir. Anna Maria Mączka, Poland, 20'
Zabita Czeczenia, dir. Magda Siemion, Poland, 20'
Cena wolności, dir. Mateusz Mularski, Poland, 20'
Dezerterzy, dir. Jerzy Zięty, Poland, 20'
Gdyby ryby miały głos, dir. Tomasz Jurkiewicz, Poland 2010, 27'
Kawałek lata, dir. Marta Minorowicz, Poland 2010, 23'
Wszystkie małe kłamstwa Anny, dir. Krzysztof Bizio, Poland 2009, 30’
Krajobraz nizinny z kołyską, dir. Arek Biedrzycki, Poland 2009, 18’
Serca dwa, dir. Anna Kuśmierczyk, Poland 2010, 15’
Perecowicze, dir. Sławomir Grunberg, Poland 2009, 52’
Aleksandra jedzie do Polski, dir. Jacek Wasilewski, Poland 2010, 52’
Dzieci Wehrmachtu, dir. Mariusz Malinowski, Poland 2009, 44’
Narodzona po raz drugi, dir. Michał Nekanda-Trepka, Poland 2008, 43’
Ala z Elementarza, dir. Edyta Wróblewska, Poland 2010, 28’
24.05.2010 | Editor's blog
Cat. : Anna Ku Anna Maria Anna Zakrzewska Arek Biedrzycki Bartosz Warwas Bogota Canada China cio Claudia Buthenhoff-Duffy Columbia Dagmara Drzazga Dallas DISCO AND ATOMIC WAR Edyta Wróblewska electricity Entertainment Entertainment Estonia Finland Germany Grunberg Grzegorz Rogala Grzegorz Zariczny Italy Ivan Jacek Wasilewski Jan Wagner Janos Krawczyk Joanna Turowicz Kiur Aarma Krzysztof Bizio Lech Majewski Loriana Magda Siemion Marczak Mariusz Malinowski Marta Minorowicz Mateusz Mularski Paulina Loszek Piotr Mielech Poland Skalski Social Issues Social Issues Spain Stefano Cattini Tadusz Król Tallinn Tayo Cortes Thailand Tomasz Jurkiewicz Tomasz Olejarczyk Tomasz Szwan War War Wichanon Somumjarn Wojciech Jagie