FIFO is a unique Festival.
The place is Tahiti, the heart of the South Pacific, where FIFO is the annual venue for images of the Pacific.
FIFI presents the works of artists and multimedia creators via the Internet acting as a virtual meeting place between artists and computer technicians, amateurs and professionals, the public and the cyberfilms.
Fiction and Documentaries film festival, organise by ATTAC since 2002. No competition.
FICTION, DOCUMENTARY, ANIMATION and EXPERIMENTAL works are accepted, as long as they do not have dialogues or subtitles. In this competition, the film/video must be understood thanks only to the strength of the images.
Fiction - Documentaries - Videoart (Experimental - Dance - Poesy - Painting - Animation). Films of maximum 20 minutes.
FICCO, is a Festival for everyone who loves films and Mexico City provides a scenario for the best art films worldwide.
FICAP - International Film Festival of Performing Arts main goal is to promote and develope cultural and artistic values, mainly in cinema and performative arts (theatre, dance, music, circus, performance, etc).
Fflics – Wales Screen Classics gives you the opportunity to enjoy 30 films defining the history of Welsh cinema; from the earliest cinematic pioneers to the end of the nitrate film era.
(live June 8th)
FESTIVALISSIMO Ibero Latinoamerican Film festival of Montreal
The most importantIbero Latinoamerican Film Festival in Canada.
Fête du cinéma pour les plus jeunes. 2 euros la place!!!
festival/contest: 1 roll of Super8mm film to be shot, in camera edits, transfered using our M2 HD scanner and presented back to you on Blu-Ray disc. The entry cost for the roll with process and transfer is $108.00. Contact for more info.
Festival`s slogan: "For virtuous Christian valnes, for the elevation of human soul". The films will be divided into five categories:
1.full-lenght feature;
3.animated; and TV;
Archived festival (terminated)
Festival visant à promouvoir le cinéma d`auteur et les nouvelles formes de création.
Festival visant à promouvoir la création cinématographique indépendante sous totues ses formes.
Festival visant à défendre la création Indépendante.
Festival UNinvitéD is a canadian film festival of short films talking about (IN)TOLERANCE. from mai 2007 is taking place every first thusday of month.
"submission deadline: open all year "
Festival that concentrates solely on environmental films and where filmmakers, distributors, educators, funders, political and environmental leaders can meet to forge the future of environmental media.
Festival specialized in Latin American films that spread the most important of their visual arts production.Recent films, and thematic retrospectives.
Festival showcases the works of national filmmakers alongside international Latin American films, offering expansive images of the Latino experience.
Festival screens over 50 student films from 7 provinces across Canada. Prides itself on being the recognized forum for young Canadian filmmaking.
Festival qui s`appuye sur l`expérience des bibliothèques en matière de documentaire pour les faire découvrir au grand public durant un mois dans des cinémas de toute la France.
Festival qui récompense les meilleurs premiers films
Festival qui propose de réflechir sur notre rapport quotidien à l`image dans le contexte de nos territoires.
Festival qui dresse un panorama du cinéma d`Outre Manche pendant une semaine.