The global financial Crisis, Recession, Depression -- call it what you will - was not overly in evidence at the 59th edition of the Berlin Film Festival which ended its annual ten day run here on Febtuary 14th, Valentine's day. Private VIP and celebrity parties as reported in the gossip tabloids seemed to be as lavish as ever, and public box-office attendance in terms of tickets sold, was the highest ever at 270,000, up a solid 20,000 from 2008. The one festival section that did seem to be aff...
In Kino Veritas at Wine Country Film Festival August 16, 2007Steve Ashton, founder, brains, and Number-One Honcho of the exclusive California "Wine Country Film Festival", is a fairly well-known figure on the European festival circuit, for he not only shows up regularly at some of the best ones in search of off-beat flicks for his own festival, but -- and this is what he's really known for -- sponsors a California Wine-tasting party at Berlin every chilly February to warm shivering...
Steve Ashton, founder, brains, and Number-One Honcho of the exclusive California "Wine Country Film Festival", is a fairly well-known figure on the European festival circuit, for he not only shows up regularly at some of the best ones in search of off-beat flicks for his own festival, but -- and this is what he's really known for -- sponsors a California Wine-tasting party at Berlin every chilly February to warm shivering festivaleers up a bit between mid-winter screenings. As northern Californ...
The whole report day by day from day one.
In less than a week, on the fateful FridayThe Thirteenth of the current month (October 13, 2OO6), the First International Film Festival ever held in Rome will open the gates of the Eternal City to a floodtide of media representatives, journalists, film professionals, actors, directors, film fans, and just plain curious stargazers of all stripes and colours. Whether this new festival turns out to be a blas...
So much is happening here that the only way to keep track of events and films is this -- a free associational diary, plus a wing and a prayer. But let me preface it by noting that this is the most sensational film festival I have ever attended, period. SUNDAY: Two films and two remarkable press conferences. The day starts with a 9 AM press screening of Scorcese's "The Departed" in the big hall. This is followed by a meeting with the press with Scorcese and Di Caprio up on the stage, accompanie...
In the handsome press book for the new Agnieszka Holland musical biopic "Copying Beethoven" writer/producer Christopher Wilkinson, regarding the appearance of actor Ed Harris in the title role, is quoted as having said on a visit to the set, "I see Beethoven standing there -- but what have they done with Ed Harris?" If Ed Harris does to some extent disappear into the skin of the composer in this not-to-be-denied bravura acting job, and if the trompe l'oeil maquillage really does makes it hard ...