Actor in "The Last Picture Show", "The Fabulous Baker Boys", "The Big Lebowski", "Fisher King", "Tucker", "Seabiscuit", and most recently, "Crazy Heart". Q: "What point did you enter the project, 'Crazy Heart'?" A: "Gee, I do my best to try to avoid going to work, because I know what it entails. If anything, it means I have to be away from home. My wife, Sue, told me recently that out of the last fourteen months, I've been gone eleven. Now that's tough. Another reason I don't like to engag...
Interview with French Film Director, Phillipe Seclier/"An American Journey"/Photographer Robert Frank"An American Journey: Revisiting Robert Frank's 'The Americans'": Opens at "The Film Forum" on Wednesday, September 30. SA: Question: "Robert Frank is thought of as one of the greatest living masters of photography. How did you decide to make a film about him?"Phillipe Seclier: Answer: "It's a long story. I traveled to the USA in 1984, and learned a lot about American culture, theater, movies...
Michael Barker, co-president and co-founder of "Sony Pictures Classic" thanked Tom Bernard for 18 years of existence. Michael stated, "I don't think we've had such a well dressed crowd. I would like to mention a few people behind the scene, an individual who is important to French film. Producer, Philippe Carcassonne. We worked together 20 years ago and it is great to be back together with him, Anne Fontaine, and Audrey Tautou. There is a strong support system within French Film where with eve...
"It Might Get Loud" Up close with Jimmy Page, U2's, The Edge and Jack White/"The White Stripes"/"The Raconteurs"What happens when three diverse, yet influential electric guitar virtuosos, from ages spanning across three generations, meet for the first time at length to discuss and tour their hometowns, upbringings, how their bands formed, political instability and social setbacks, their methods to their musical madness, and living room like jam sessions? On Jan 23, 2008, self taught guitarist, ...