It is our great pleasure to announce the list of music videos selected for the Music Videos Competition of 18th PLUS CAMERIMAGE, the International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography. The partners of the Music Videos Competition are:
This section of the Festival has become an inseparable and highly anticipated part of PLUS CAMERIMAGE.
Similarly to last year a large group of professionals working in the
field of music videos watched and judged the submi...
Specials Screenings / Séances Spéciales BALLETS RUSSES (USA, 2005, 120 min) de Dan Gellar & Dayna Goldfine DISAPPEARENCES (Disparitions, USA, 2006, 118 min) de Jay Craven LA MAIN DE L'HOMME SANS TETE (The Hand Of Headless Man, Belgique, France, Hollande 2007, 100 min) de Guillaume et Stéphane Malandrin POULTRYGEIST (La Terreur des Volailles, USA, 2006, 103 min) de Lloyd Kaufman TIED TO A CHAIR (Ligoté à une Chaise, USA, 2008, 115 min) de Michael Bergmann ...