The 2007 Sundance Film Festival opened with the premiere of director Brett Morgan’s animated feature “Chicago 10”. The director is an alumni of the festival and first appeared here with his biopic of legendary producer Robert Evans “The Kid Stays in the Picture”. This feature combines motion capture animation and archival footage to explore trial of 10 activists accused of inciting riots during the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. The film looks into the heart of the sixties rad...
Monday, January 15----Mike White, whose off-kilter humor and perceptive writing made such films as CHUCK AND BUCK and THE GOOD GIRL major Sundance discoveries of the past few years, is back in Park City with an auspicious directorial debut, YEAR OF THE DOG. In this richly crafted tale of self-discovery, White invests his characters and their comedic confusion with a poignant and compassionate touch that has pundits dubbing the film as next season's LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE.
Not only has White c...
The 2007 Santa Barbara International Film Festival announces their slate of films for the 22nd installment. The festival, which welcomes Chrysler and The New Yorker as Premiere Sponsors, takes place over 11 days beginning Thursday, January 25, through Sunday, February 4, and will feature 22 World Premieres, 18 US Premieres, and introduce films from 40 countries. “This is the most ambitious and most diverse line up of events and films the Festival has ever had,” commented SBIFF Director Ro...
Tuesday, January 2----The New York Times Arts and Leisure Weekend, which begins this coming Friday, is fast becoming one of New York’s most anticipated cultural events of the new year. With a mix of discussions, panels, concert performances and other delights in the fields of theater, dance, film and music, the Weekend is bringing a post-Holidays lift to the Big Apple.
The Arts and Leisure Weekend will present several film programs….a combination of screenings of some of the year’s most...
Sunday, November 5-----Audiences hooped and hollered at last night’s screening of the romantic comedy GRAY MATTERS, the directorial debut of Sue Kramer. The film, a frothy comedy about sexual identity and embracing one’s inner beauty, was shot on location in New York City, and the city itself is one of the film’s more interesting characters.
Heather Graham, of BOOGIE NIGHTS fame, stars as a perky advertising executive who lives with her brother and best friend, played by ED’s Thomas...
The 14th Annual Hamptons International Film Festival presented its Golden Starfish Awards at a ceremony held at Guild Hall in East Hampton, NY on Saturday, October 21, 2006.The 2006 HAMPTONS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL celebrated its 14th annual celebration of premieres & screenings; programs & events; talent & industry. The natural beauty of the Hamptons, combined with its legendary glamour, make for the perfect setting to display and debut some of the finest international films in the world. ...