This year, the world's oldest mountain film festival features highly anticipated debuts from across Europe and Italy. Werner Herzog is involved in two films, directing "Cave of Forgotten Dreams" and writing "Happy People, a Year in the Taiga". The latter will be competing for the honours with "180° South" by director Chris Mallory and "Alpi" by photographer Armin Linke. The screening of the 128 participan...
A narrow body of water separates Estonia and Finland and the two cultures have been intertwined for centuries. This special relationship is again being played out with the Focus On Finnish Cinema program at POFF, the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, which continues through the weekend in the capital city of Estonia. The effort is supported by the Finnish Film Foundation, the Soome Instituut and the Embassy of Finland in Tallinn.
The program is a mix of contemporary and classi...
By Maria Esteves - April 18, 2010
The 9th Tribeca Film Festival 2010 (TFF ‘10) in New York sponsored by founding sponsor American Express will be held in selected theatres, April 21 - May 2, 2010. The festival founded by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff annually presents the largest celebration of film, music, and culture. This year's festival showcasing 85 narrative, documentary, and 47 short films from 38 countries includes opening and closing premieres, gala receptions, p...
DocsBarcelona, February 2nd to 7th
Once more, February is the month for documentaries in Barcelona. The month for DocsBarcelona, the International Documentary Film Festival. The festival for the general audience and professionals. The one that screens the best national and international films....
While Amsterdam certainly boasts its own unique cast of characters that one can observe on the streets, in the stores and the coffee shops, some of the most intriguing people I met during my stay at IDFA were on the film screen. When you immerse yourself in as many films as I did (an average of four per day), one comes away with a contact high from the encounters with unique individuals with unique stories and circumstances that stay with you (with me, at least). And while I am already...
While Amsterdam certainly boasts its own unique cast of characters that one can observe on the streets, in the stores and the coffee shops, some of the most intriguing people I met during my stay at IDFA were on the film screen. When you immerse yourself in as many films as I did (an average of four per day), one comes away with a contact high from the encounters with unique individuals with unique stories and circumstances that stay with you (with me, at least). And while I am already at a new ...
Getting a prize at IDFA, the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, can be of major significance to a documentary film at the start of its long journey through the Festival circuit and, hopefully, to theatrical, television and ancillary distribution. The Festival's imprimatur is highly regarded and respected in the world of programmers and festival directors, who are here in Amsterdam scouring for the best in non-fiction film.
Here is the first part of the films compet...
The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone Director - Julio Medem The Big Durian Director - Amir Muhammad The Corporation Directors - Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott Disbelief Director - Andrei Nekrasov Garden Directors - Ruthie Shatz and Adi Barash Investigation into the Invisible World Director - Jean Michel Roux Journeyings and Conversations Director - Arvind Sinha Repatriation Director - Dong-won Kim Screaming Men Director - Mika Ronkainen ...
Sundance, Park city, Salt Lake City
Riding Giants
will open Sundance festivities in Park City, January
A documentary by Stacy Peralta (the skateboarder-turned-filmmaker who won the
director's prize at Sundance 2001 for the extreme-sports documentary "Dogtown
and Z-Boys). Screenwriters - Stacy Peralta and Sam George. The first docu to
open Sundance ever.
a 90-foot wave coming across the screen at the Eccles is somethi...
C O P E N H A G E N I N T E R N A T I O N A L D O C U M E N T A R Y F I L M F E S T I V A L 0 7 - 1 6 . N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 3 Reality Rockscph:dox, The first Copenhagen International Documentary Festival, surpassed all expectations.Danes are learning to love documentary films. At least judged by the admission numbers for Copenhagen's first international documentary festival, cph:dox, which ended Sunday, November 16.With 11.706 admissions to the 81 films, the festival al...