The 2012 Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by founding sponsor American Express, today announced its lineup of 60 short films, 26 of which are world premieres. For the second year running, the recipient of the Tribeca Film Festival’s Best Narrative Short award will qualify for consideration in the Short Films category of the annual Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the film otherwise complies with the Academy rules. The 2011 TFF Narrative Short Pentecost was n...
2011 NOMINATIONS (presented in 2012)BEST FILMTHE ARTIST Thomas LangmannTHE DESCENDANTS Jim Burke, Alexander Payne, Jim TaylorDRIVE Marc Platt, Adam SiegelTHE HELP Brunson Green, Chris Columbus, Michael BarnathanTINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Robyn SlovoOUTSTANDING BRITISH FILMMY WEEK WITH MARILYN Simon Curtis, David Parfitt, Harvey Weinstein, Adrian HodgesSENNA Asif Kapadia, James Gay-Rees, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Manish PandeySHAME Steve McQueen, Iain Canning, Emile Sherman...