"A.L.I.C.E." was selected into the 29th annual Bogota International
Film Fest in Colombia for October 10-18, 2012. This is the 38th festival
acceptance for the film, and the first film of Ron de Cana's 14-film
catalog to play in Colombia.
The film stars Joey D'Auria, Dawn Westlake, Aketza Lopez and David Razowsky.
For more information and to see a trailer, please visit http://www.dawnwestlake.com
"Covariance" received its 24th festival acceptance from the 63rd
annual Mostra Internazionale di Film in Montecatini, Italy for October
25-27, 2012.
The film stars David Razowsky and Dawn Westlake.
Cinematography was by Francesco Uboldi. Editing by Brandon Bondehagen.
Original music was provided by Gregory Johnson of Acoustic Labs. The
film has so far received three nominations for Best Film at festivals in
South Africa, Brazil and Rwanda, and a nomination of Best Act...
"A.L.I.C.E." (2010/USA/15 mins.) is an Official Selection to the SCINEMA Festival of Science Film in Brisbane, Australia. The festival runs from August 12-20, 2012. This is the 37th festival acceptance for the film.
"A.L.I.C.E." stars Joey D'Auria, Aketza Lopez, David Razowsky and Dawn Westlake. Cinematography is by Francesco Uboldi, and editing by Brandon Bondehagen. The film is represented for broadcast sales by Fred Joubaud at Ouat Media-Toronto. For more informatio...
"Covariance" (2011/USA/13.5 mins.) received its 22nd film festival acceptance from Sao Paulo, Brazil for the Art Deco Film Festival, July 2-21, 2012.
The film stars David Razowsky and Dawn Westlake. Cinematography is by Francesco Uboldi. 2nd Unit/DIT/Editing by Brandon Bondehagen. The film was generously supported in the camera department by Canon USA, Inc. and was shot on three Canon 5D Mark IIs.
For more info and to see a trailer, please visit: http://www.dawnwestlake.com...
"Covariance" was judged among the finalists by the jury of the
Johnstown Film Festival in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA. It will be
projected with the award-winning films and other finalists on Sat., June
9th at People's Natural Gas Park in downtown Johnstown.
For more information: http://www.jaha.org/FilmFestival/Saturday2012.html
stars David Razowsky and Dawn Westlake. Cinematography is by Francesco
Uboldi. Editing by Brandon Bondehagen. An o...
"Covariance" starring David Razowsky and Dawn Westlake has been accepted to the prestigious Festival Internazionale del Cinema d'Arte in Bergamo, Italy for July 14-21, 2012. This is the 12th film festival acceptance for "Covariance". It was shot in Southern California in 2011 with 3 Canon 5D cameras, provided by Canon USA, Inc.
For more information on the film and to see a trailer, please visit: http://www.dawnwestlake.com/dawnwestlake/rondecana/films/covariance/index....
Great news! David Razowsky (co-star in my films "Dottie", "Project Ion",
"The Catalyst", "A.L.I.C.E." and "Covariance") was nominated for 2 INNY
Awards today! http://bit.ly/zh4Vc1
timing since we play in "Covariance" tonight in NYC at the Love
Actually Film Fest in the ShowBiz Store & Cafe, 19 W. 21st St.
For tickets to Love Actually, please visit: http://scenepr.com/events/lovefest2012/
For more info...
"A.L.I.C.E." won the Best Int'l Short award at the 2011 Silver Wave Film Festival in Fredericton, NB, Canada on November 5th. The film stars Joey D'Auria, Dawn Westlake, Aketza Lopez and David Razowsky. DP was Francesco Uboldi. Editing/DIT/2nd Unit by Brandon Bondehagen. Gregory Johnson of Acoustic Labs provided the original score.
For more info on the film, please visit: http://www.dawnwestlake.com/dawnwestlake/rondecana/films/alice/index.html
"A.L.I.C.E." is re...
"A.L.I.C.E." will have its Hollywood premiere (after playing in 30 film fests on 6 continents) on November 20th, 2011 at 6pm at DIM MAK Studios (formerly Cinespace) on Hollywood Blvd.
Admission is free.
"A.L.I.C.E." was shot in Los Angeles and Joshua Tree, CA with the generous support of Canon USA, Inc. because director Dawn Westlake is a Canon Platinum Filmmaker. The film stars Los Angeles-based actors Joey D'Auria, Aketza Lopez, Dawn Westlake and David Razows...
A very rare Second City pilot starring David Razowsky of "Covariance" has just been released by the Second City vault. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awMjN-x_kBE
Shot in 1993 in Chicago, the 46-min. gem also features Steve Carell of NBC's "The Office" and films "Little Miss Sunshine" and "The Forty-Year-Old Virgin".
To see a trailer of "Covariance", please visit: http://www.dawnwestlake.com/dawnwestlake/rondecana/films/covariance/med...
"A.L.I.C.E." will play the Mestre Film Festival just outside of Venice, Italy on October 14th, 2011. The film stars five-time Emmy Award winner Joey D'Auria, Aketza Lopez (formerly of MTV-Europe), Second City's David Razowsky, and the film's writer/director, Dawn Westlake. Cinematography was done by Milan-based DP Francesco Uboldi. Editing by Brandon Bondehagen. Original music was provided by Gregory Johnson. Two of the film's tracks, "The Rose" and "Dark Star", c...
The trailer for "Covariance", a new short film from Ron de Cana Prods., Inc., is now live: http://www.vimeo.com/24801227
"Covariance" (2011/USA/13:30) features David Razowsky and Dawn Westlake. Original music is by Gregory Johnson of Acoustic Labs (http://www.youtube.com/acousticlabs). Cinematography is by Francesco Uboldi; 2nd Unit/DIT/Editing by Brandon Bondehagen; Sound by Fred Stuben; Set Decor/Rigging by Teresa Pilar Huarte.
For more information, please visit...
The Behind-the-Scenes clip for "Covariance", a new short film from Ron de Cana Productions, is now available on youtube:
"Covariance" was shot in Southern California with generous support in the camera department from Canon USA, Inc.
Francesco Uboldi of Milan was the DP, and Brandon Bondehagen shot 2nd Unit. Original music was provided by Gregory Johnson of Acoustic Labs.
The film stars David Razowsky and Dawn W...