Actress Jacqueline Bisset and French director Luc Besson called in their regrets, cancelling their expected visit to Karlovy Vary, but the celebrity slack has been taken up by the arrival of somewhat less shining lights of interest, and the party scene surges on unabated. The latest arrival was rapidly rising British actress Saffron Burrows, here to present her new film "Gangster No. 1" which, she says, is perhaps too violent for her own taste. I‘m worried about the audience watching it today,...
fmx/05: 10th International Conference on Animation, Effects, Realtime, and Content April 27th to April 30th , 2005 / Stuttgart, Haus der Wirtschaft A wealth of interesting contributions: one month before the event, you'd have to use a magnifying lens to find open slots in the agenda. In time for fmx's 10 th birthday, the crème de la crème of the animation and effects industry will be converging on Stuttgart for the most important forum for animation, visual effects and digital content in Ger...
Cannes lanced the battlefield world of 'Troy' set for worldwide release on Friday, following suit with "Matrix Revolutions" of last year. The event of the day was of course the arrival of Brad Pitt, nicely snagged, with the woman who snagged him Jennifer Aliston. It is Brad Pitt's first time in Cannes, and he hoped to visit 'the haunts of old artists". Question from a critic at the press conference: "is your Greek wife as difficult as fighting a Trojan war?" "She liked the pith helmet and asked ...
PETER JACKSON TO RECEIVE MODERN MASTER AWARD AT 19th SANTA BARBARA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVALThe Santa Barbara International Film Festival will present this year's Modern Master Award to the director/producer/writer of the "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, Peter Jackson, it was announced today by Festival Director, Roger Durling. Says Durling, "When I first came on board, I was asked who would be my choice for Modern Master. I could think of only one name that perfectly exemplified a Modern Master ...