Montana CINE - the last best film fest, is the premier cultural and environmental documentary film festival in the American West. Featuring films from any year, it is a major screening event.
Modesto festival, hecho por unos locos adictos al cine latinoamericano
Te invitamos a participar!
It is a festival which will focus on productions that showcase human values and/or a certain message, that reflect the struggle of the human spirit or the power of the conscience. It will have a competition with monetary prizes.
International Short film festival in Limoux (France). Open to the competition
International Non-Budget Film Festival in beautiful Gibara, northeastern Cuba presided by important Cuban filmmaker Humberto Solás, anthological author of IberoAmerica.Awards allow winning filmmakers to initiate or continue their film careers.
International competition with short and feature fiction, animation films, tv documentaries, video and multimedia.
Many formats for world contemporary vision.
independent short,feature films and documentaries competition from all over the world. Competition & market.
Calpurnia Grand Prize ( 1.300.000ptas/7.813Eu.)
Independent Film Festival featuring a documentary competition, genre and author sections, plus a nice variety of films, adding up to 100+ entries.
Hommage aucinéma français d`aujourd`hui et de demain. Un invité d`honneur (Jean-Pierre Darroussin), une thématique consacrée au polar français, un panorama du cinéma français, un hommage au cinéma francophone (le Québec)
Held every 2 years, festival, focusing on Indigenous Peoples of Americas is organised by the NGO SODEPAU (Solidarity towards Development & Peace). Native American Film & Video Festival.
Archived festival (terminated)
Germany in the middle of Munich and Berlin
Festival specialized in Latin American films that spread the most important of their visual arts production.Recent films, and thematic retrospectives.
Festival de renommé national qui lie rencontre et projection de film autour de la psychologie
Festival de courts et de longs métrage
Festival consacré au jeune public pour leur faire découvrir des films de qualité venus d`horizons différents.
Festival a realizarse con temtica libre, en formato VHS NTSC unicamente.
La organizacion invita a los realizadores seleccionados con alojamiento y alimentacion.
Competition & Golden Knight Award
Jury Award for Best Documentary
CINEMA JOVE is a Festival specialised in the work of young film-makers. The international competition has two categories: features films and shorts films. Award cash prizes: Lunas de Valencia to the best feature film (30.000 Euro), to the best short film (10.000 Euro) and Special Jury Award for short films (6.000 Euro).
Cine-Nites is a free film festival specialising in shorts. Mini DV is the preferred method of submission. Digital Filmmakers encouraged. This is an on-going bi-monthly event. Submissions are taken year round.
Archived festival (terminated)
Ciné Pause, festival du cinéma rural: "Le Grand cinéma dans un petit village".
CINE International Film Festival is the premier venue for fiction and non-fiction, documentaries and shorts that create a dialogue about critical issues - with a special focus on the environment.
Celebrates the work of filmmakers in animations, commericals (first time this year), documentaries, short subjects, features and screenplays.
Archived festival (terminated)
Category class "A" International Film Festival. Unique in Latin America.
Includes differents sections with films from all over the world.
A movie shot and edited with digital technologies (HD, DV, phone)? Innovative, Surprising, Amazing? In Paris 10 days in June 2010. Send your film before 15th February.