Nesta', the Signature Sketch collection of caricature filmic moments in the festival community...
"I storyboard, and design film and tv sets. My sketchbooks are full of the character and environment settings of both cinema and literary worlds, they are my own original storyboard collection of festival travel sketches, with pen and paper.
Nesta's Sketch Collection covers The Berlinale Talent Campus, Edinburgh Film & ...
Of Gods and Men, Le Prophet, Tom Boy, multi contrary. Moulin Rouge.
Regine Hatchondo, Unifrance Films; Loic Magneron, WIDE, Eye on Film; Stephane Huard, Universal Film; Steve Rubin, Luc Besson on The Lady.
Tuesday April 3, 2012
Bruno Chatelin
Chief Operating Officer
Scott Hillier
Festival Director
European Independent Film Festival
8:30 am - Registration Opens
Over the four-day event, the Grand Hotel Intercontinental will welcome 450 international distributors who have made the trip to Paris to discover the latest French films presented by French agents. 80 films will be showcased at the Film Market, one half of which have not previously been screened. The event will feature world preview screenings of L'Amour dure 3 ans by Frédéric Beigbeider, 38 Témoinsby Lucas Belvaux, and La Vérité si je mens 3 by Thomas Gilou.
Unifrance Films is the organization dedicated to promoting French cinema worldwide.It was founded in 1949 as an association under the French 1901 Act, and operates under the supervision of the CNC - Centre National de la Cinématographie.Unifrance Films currently has around 800 members, including feature film and short film producers, sales agents, directors, actors, authors (screenwriters), and... talent agents.Unifrance organizes every year a must attend showcase of the recent french productio...
An Exhibition of 95 Photos Taken by Catherine Verret-Vimont, During Her Tenure As Executive Director of The French Film Office UniFrance Films USA
September 10 – October 4 : The Furman Gallery at the Film Society of Lincoln’s Center’s Walter Reade Theatre
As Executive Director of the French Film Office UniFrance Films USA, the leading proponent of the Frenchfilm industry in the US, Catherine Verret-Vimont had a unique opportunity to casually photograph many of the visiting French...
7 ............. NEWSLETTER N° 510: May 23, 2011 Follow this LINK if you cannot read the newsletter properly Contact the Editor to Advertise with us This weekly newsletter reaches 111 952 film professionals....
Le 9ème prix uniFrance Films du court-métrage a été remis le jeudi 19 mai 2011 au club uniFrance Films à Cannes.Le Grand Prix est attribué à Catharsis de Cédric Prévost avec Alexandre Steiger et Emeline Bayart, produit par Charles Paviot – Arts Premiers en partenariat avec Transpamedia et avec le soutien de l’Adami. Il sera diffusé par la RTI (Italie), la RTP2 Onda Curta (Portugal) et la SBS (Australie). Cette comédie dramatique de dix-huit minutes raconte l’histoire d’un aspi...
............. NEWSLETTER N° 500 bis: march 11rd, 2011 Follow this LINK if you cannot read the newsletter properly 500 shall we toast to that! Contact the Editor to Advertise with us This weekly newsletter rea...
170 productions from 40 countries at the Inaugural Edition of the New Montreal Filmfest including 60 Feature-Length Films in World, International or North-American première!The New Montreal Filmfest has announced those films selected for the very first edition, set to take place from September 18th to 25th, 2005. And let the record show that Program Director Moritz de Hadeln and his team have managed to score a plethora of extraordinary productions to open Montreal’s newest world-class even...