The 10th annual Tribeca Film Festival, co-founded by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff, and presented by founding sponsor American Express, announced the winners of its competition categories tonight at a ceremony hosted at the W Union Square in New York City. The Festival runs through May 1, 2011.
The world competition winners for narrative and documentary films were chosen from 12 narrative and 12 documentary features from 21 countries. Best New Directo...
The Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by American Express, announced today it will close its 10th edition with the world premiere of Edward Burns’ Newlyweds. The film will premiere Saturday, April 30, at BMCC TPAC.Newlyweds is the tenth film written and directed by Ed Burns and the sixth to premiere at TFF. Burns, who wrote, directed and stars in Newlyweds, has had a strong connection with TFF since its founding. Ash Wednesday world premiered as part of the inaugural TFF lineup in 2002, a...
The Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), announced its feature film selections in the Spotlight and Cinemania sections, as well as Special Screenings and the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival lineup. The 10th edition of the Festival will take place from April 20 to May 1 in lower Manhattan.
"Now that the majority of the program has been announced I believe you will see the rich variety and quality of the films and talent that we are presenting at Tribeca this year," s...
2011 Festival to Present 88 Feature-Length and 61 Short Films April 20 - May 1
The 2011 Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by American Express®, announced the World Narrative and Documentary Competition film selections and the first edition of the new section-Viewpoints. Forty-four of the 88 feature-length films were announced. The 10th edition of the Festival will take place from April 20 to May 1 in lower Manhattan.
TFF organizers this year have streamli...
The 2011 Tribeca Film Festival (TFF), presented by American Express, the founding sponsor of the Festival, today announced its lineup of 60 short films, 22 of which are world premieres.
Also new this year, the recipient of the TFF Best Narrative Short award will qualify for consideration in the Short Films category of the annual Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the film otherwise complies with the Academy rules.
The short film pro...