Our documentary film Inhale Exhale has been selected to the prestigious International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography, Plus Camerimage 2010. The documentary, filmed by Finnish cinematographer Kimmo Jaatinen will be shown at the festival that takes place in Bydogscsz between November 27 until december 4.
The competition of documentary films at Plus Camerimage is entitled "World of Images - Images of the World", and is run under the patrionage of Discovery Network...
Fipresci prizesFribourg (Switzerland, March 18-25, 2007). Prize: "Le cercle des noyés" by Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd (Belgium, 2006). Jury: Pamela Biénzobas, Chile, president, Pradip Biswas, India, Hassen Euchi, Tunisia, Sergei Anashkin, Russia. Print source. Production: Cobra Films, Rue de la Sablonnière, 29, B 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, T +32 (2) 512 70 07, F +32 (2) 511 38 28, cobrafilms@skynet.be. Sales: GSARA, 26, rue du Marteau, B 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium, T +32 (2) 250 13 10, distribution.di...