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Seville Film Festival Awards
The Jury of the OFFICIAL SECTION of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by Nerea Barros, Russ B. Collins, Marion Döring, Inés Nofuentes and Jonás Trueba have decided to award the following films: The latest, and very controversial, Golden Bear at the Berlin Festival comes to the #15FestivalSevilla: 'Touch Me Not' uses radicalness to talk about sex as therapy for overcoming trauma. A first film for Adina Pintilie, it dynamites all expectations with an innovative approach to talking without any restrictions, and with a certain desire to provoke, about bodies and intimacy. The Romanian filmmaker will participate in a talk after the screening which promises to be juicy. 'Touch Me Not' is part of the festival’s Official Section, as is 'La Ciudad Oculta', the new film by Víctor Moreno after that surprising metaphor of the financial crisis offered in 'Edificio España' (2014). The filmmaker offers a sensorial and visually striking journey to the subsoil of a large city: the sewers and tunnels, as an unknown part, and a symbolic space, of our habitat. The film will have its world premiere at the Seville Festival, as will 'Letters to Paul Morrissey': the first feature film by Armand Rovira, the result of, in his own words, "an experimental, underground amusement”, that gradually grew until it became an episodic, epistolary film in which various characters maintain a correspondence with the man who was a member of Andy Warhol’s troupe and director of films such as 'Trash' or 'Flesh'. Moreno and Rovira will talk with the audience in the Nervión cinemas after the screening of their respective films.
A very animated festivalAlways open to the impact of all kinds of formats, this year the #15FestivalSevilla will pay unusual and special attention to the various trends in animation produced in Europe, with a handful of very striking titles. Two of them will shine in The New Waves section and can be seen from today: both also share a subject matter, the Palestinian conflict, and maintain a particular, and unexpected, dialogue: the Italian-French 'Samouni Road', by Stefano Savona, mingles real images with the scratchboard technique in a striking proposal that takes us to the Gaza Strip to offer a portrait of a family marked by tragedy. The filmmaker will take part in a subsequent debate with the audience. 'The Tower', by the Norwegian Mats Grorud, also offers a family group, in this case confined for several generations to a Palestinian refugee camp in the Lebanon. Animation at the service of a humanist and emotionally intense story.
Two films from The New Waves will also dialogue, through the figure of Vladimir Putin and the reality in Russia: 'Victory Day', by Sergei Loznitsa, photographs the parade which every 9th May is held in the Treptower Park in Berlin, in front of the Soviet monument in honour of the fallen in the Second World War. Loznitsa turns the spotlight on some of those attending, wondering if those followers of Stalin or Putin are paying tribute to the dead or if they are dreaming of the return of a glorious past. And in 'Putin's Witnesses', the director Vitaly Mansky recovers, and reinterprets, the many images he filmed in 2000, during the electoral campaign of the now president of Russia, and he’ll share them in person with the audience after the screening. This Sunday, Endless Revolutions is showing a film that is very coherent film with the section, because it talks precisely about revolutions: the ones lived internally by a young monk when reality, the French Revolution and its derivatives, appears in the monastery where he lives. It happens in 'A Violent Desire for Joy', by a Clément Scheider who will probably explain, in the subsequent talk, how he is inspired by the cinema of Eric Rohmer or Eugène Green.
And for the general public...The Special Screening section today includes a simple biopic, an atmospheric thriller and a family melodrama: 'The Happy Prince', first work as a director by the popular actor Rupert Everett ('My Best Friend’s Wedding'), looks at the final years of the legendary writer Oscar Wilde, fallen into disgrace after making his homosexuality public. Everett plays the writer, leading a cast that includes Colin Firth, Emily Watson and Tom Wilkinson.
The other two are Spanish: 'El desentierro', by Nacho Ruipérez, uses the rice fields of Valencia as an atmospheric setting for a thriller which features Leonardo Sbaraglia. And 'Alegría, tristeza', by Ibon Cormenzana, puts Roberto Álamo in the role of a fireman who suffers from a serious emotional block and finds in his daughter his main ally in learning to feel again. Manuela Vellés and Maggie Civantos accompany the actor in the film. More Spanish cinema in Andalusian Panorama, and all of them followed by a talk: 'El secadero', by Antonio Donaire, is a harsh drama in an almost post-apocalyptic setting, which adapts a novel by Pedro Andreu which the author situated as between 'Mad Max', 'Tierra, by Julio Medem, and the work of Camilo José Cela. There is another tone in 'Segunda oportunidad', in which Gary Piquer plays a man who returns to his home town to reinvent himself, opening a business selling marihuana for therapeutic purposes. Rosa Maria Sardá is also in this film directed by Álvaro de Armiñán. We also have 'Al sur del sur', by Manuel Blanco, a visual map of the bay of Cadiz, and it is accompanied by the short film 'Plástico planchado', by A.J. Luque.
RetrospectivesWe continue to look at the filmmakers receiving tributes in this #15FestivalSevilla. With ‘A Swedish Love Story’, Roy Andersson had an enormous success which, in some way, marked his career: it deals with the beauty of the first love of two adolescents. With 'On Body and Soul', the Hungarian Ildikó Enyedi returned to cinema after more than a decade away from the cameras: the reward for her persistence was the Golden Bear at the 2017 Berlinale. And the retrospective of the German Ula Stöckl offers one of the loveliest events at this edition of the festival: it will take place in the Bar Metáforas (c/ Mata, 20), where 'Tales of the Dumpster Kid' will be shown. This is a series of short films, like episodes, the screening of which was a performance in itself in the old days in Hamburgs bars: people would choose the episodes from a “menu” as they went along, so that each time the resulting film was a different film, and each screening a party. That spirit will be recovered in the Seville screening.
The Festival’s effort to put spectators and filmmakers in touch will offer a second chance to participate in talks with Mia Hansen-Løve ('Maya'), Sergei Loznitsa ('Donbass'), Samuel Alarcón ('Oscuro y lucientes') or Alberto San Juan (and the team from 'El Rey'). There will also be repeat screenings of films such as 'Non-Fiction', 'Ray & Liz', 'Morir para contar', 'Chaos', 'Beast', 'Something is Happening', 'I See Red People', 'Sobre tudo sobre nada', 'De chaque instant', 'Leto - Summer', 'Michael Inside' and 'Euphoria'. The Cinema with the Family session today offers 'Marnie's World', by the brothers Christoph and Wolfgang Lauenstein, a revision of ‘The Musicians of Bremen’, ideal to share with the little ones. Finally, the formal risk will be seen in the Found Rituals section, which today will show in a double programme 'Lejos de los árboles' (1973), by Jacinto Esteva, and 'Rapa das bestas' (2017), by Jaione Gamborda. And, beyond the cinema seats, music takes over and offers the performance by Boogarins + DJ Unicornio. At 00:30 in the Sala X.
GIRALDILLO DE ORO | GOLDEN GIRALDILLO Película | Film: DONBASS Dirigida por | directed by: Sergei Loznitsa
“La película logra un exquisito balance estético entre el tono documental y ficción. Su excelente fotografía, dotada de realismo y creatividad, muestra una visión sumamente clara de la imparable tragedia de la guerra y sus consecuencias. El guionista/director Sergei Loznitsa relata, con gran acierto, el horror del conflicto armado conjugado en su vertiente más nacionalista, en una historia conmovedora, cotidiana y muy cercana a nivel humano”.
The film achieves an exquisite mix of fiction film form and documentary film feel. The excellent cinematography provides a creative and clear view of the relentless tragedy of the “fog of war.” Writer/director Sergei Loznitsa effectively balances the horrors of violent armed conflict, plus the animus of nationalist posturing, with an affecting and watchable story on a relatable human scale.
GRAN PREMIO DEL JURADO | GRAND JURY AWARD Película | Film: RAY & LIZ Dirigida por | directed by: Richard Billingham
“Esta obra supone una producción vanguardista sobre una historia autobiográfica. En los tiempos de la Gran Bretaña de Thatcher, este relato de una familia desestructurada presenta una visión veraz y cautivadora. Destila un innovador estilo visual, destreza creativa y meticulosidad. El talentoso trabajo del elenco conforma una convincente película sobre unos padres y sus hijos en el camino a un destino inevitable”.
“An impressive production of an autobiographical story. Set in Thatcher-era Great Britain, this tale of a dysfunctional family is presented with a truthful eye, in an engaging way. It uses an innovative visual style, creatively crafted and finely observed. Strong performances by a talented cast creates a compelling film of clueless parents and their struggling children on a collision course with destiny.”
PREMIO A LA MEJOR DIRECCIÓN | BEST DIRECTOR AWARD Película | Film: M Dirigida por | directed by: Yolande Zauberman
“Este documental de estilo cinema verité es una crónica del abuso sexual infantil dentro de una comunidad judía ortodoxa en Israel. Con el foco en un personaje adulto en busca de la reconciliación interna, la directora logra acompañar con una cámara cercana y en movimiento constante a este personaje sensible y honesto en su búsqueda de respuestas. Una paleta cromática apagada, con la mayor parte de la película rodada por la noche, la directora logra llevar un dolor muy arraigado hacia un lugar cercano al de la esperanza y la sanación”.
“This cinema verité style documentary is a chronicle of childhood sexual abuse in a closed orthodox Jewish community in Israel. Focusing on an earnest, now adult victim seeking understanding and personal reconciliation, the director follows this compelling character with a moving camera that expresses the nervous energy of its subject. A desaturated color palette, with much of the film shot at night, brings the pain and the hope for healing to light and life on the screen.”
PREMIO AL MEJOR GUION | BEST SCREENPLAY AWARD Película | Film: RUBEN BRANDT, COLLECTOR Guionista | Screenwriter: Milorad Krstic & Radmila Roczkov
“Una aventura de animación ingeniosa, salvaje, muy fresca y divertida. Un guión jovial y rotundamente absurdo que juega con los genios museísticos internacionales al más puro estilo “James Bond”. Una animación bellísima, llena de elementos pictóricos originales que enriquecen la narración. El conjunto de la producción es una experiencia cinematográfica cargada de inteligencia y claramente irónica.”
“A witty, wild and fun animation adventure! The excellent screenplay is a creative, joyfully and assuredly absurd story, which toys with “James Bond” style international masterminds and deep state law enforcement heroes. The animation is beautifully executed, literate and playfully ironic. Set in the context of the world’s finest art museums and high-brow art exhibition it creates a decidedly fun and smart movie experience.”
PREMIO A LA MEJOR ACTRIZ | BEST ACTRESS AWARD Película | Film: JOY Actriz | Actress: Joy Anwulika Alphonsus
“A pesar de no ser una actriz profesional, Joy Anwutika Alphonsus transmite a través de su trabajo cautivador, honesto, inteligente y auténtico. Interpreta a una víctima de la trata de blancas en Austria, que intenta escapar de la pobreza y lucha contra la falta de dignidad de su entorno con el objetivo de conseguir una vida digna y libre. Es una interpretación maestra de una drama incontenible.”
“Although not a professional actress, Joy Anwutika Alphonsus carries the film through her captivating, open, honest, intelligent and authentic performance. She plays a human trafficked sex worker in Austria trying to escape from third-world poverty. She struggles through the indignity of circumstance with a focus on achieving a life of dignity and personal freedom – despite the odds.”
“Esta tragicomedia sobre la homosexualidad cobra vida gracias a la habilidad y la química de Pierre Deladonchamps, como un enfermo de SIDA encantador y cautivador y Vincent Lacoste, un inquieto veintiañero el cual descubre su vida, el destino y el amor. La dupla guía la narración en un juego sencillo, tierno, divertido y natural, que desemboca en una historia conmovedora”.
“This gay themed tragic comedy is brought alive by the skill and chemistry of Pierre Deladonchamps, as an AIDS infected, charming and appealing character and Vincent Lacoste, an energetic 20-something who is discovering his life, love and destiny. Playing off each other in an easy, fun and natural way they make their characters and the film poignant and compelling.”
PREMIO A LA MEJOR DIRECCIÓN DE FOTOGRAFÍA | BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY AWARD Película | Film: LA CIUDAD OCULTA / HIDDEN CITY Directora de Fotografía | Cinematographer: José A. Alayon & Víctor Moreno
“Con este premio, el jurado desea rendir tributo al enigmático concepto visual de esta película. Teniendo en cuenta la estrecha colaboración del Director de Fotografía y el Director, estos dos artistas nos embarcan en un viaje por los laberintos ocultos de una ciudad: un trabajo magistral gracias a su captura de imágenes, sus planos secuencia y a una banda sonora que la convierten en pura y deslumbrante poesía visual”.
“With this award the jury wishes to pay tribute to the intriguing visual concept of the film. Relying on the close collaboration of the Director of Photography and the Director, these two artists take us on a journey to the underbelly of a city which they masterfully accomplish through captured of images, seamless editing and a musical score that combines to become entrancing visual poetry.”
El Jurado Camp_Us del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto José Carlos Camacho García, Ana Teresa Jimenez Villar, Ekaterina Kuzmina, Pablo Pérez Martín y Manuel Villanueva Rodriguez, ha decidido otorgar los siguientes premios:
The Camp_Us Jury of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by, José Carlos Camacho García, Ana Teresa Jimenez Villar, Ekaterina Kuzmina, Pablo Pérez Martín and Manuel Villanueva Rodriguez, have decided to award the following films:
PREMIO A LA MEJOR PELÍCULA DE LA SECCIÓN LAS NUEVAS OLAS | THE NEW WAVES SECTION BEST FILM AWARD Película | Film: Shéhérazade Dirigida por | Directed by: Jean-Bernard Marlin
“Convierte las calles marsellesas en el escenario de la película y hace protagonista a la Francia menos representada”.
“It transforms the streets of Marseille into the setting for the film and makes the less represented France its protagonist”.
PREMIO ESPECIAL LAS NUEVAS OLAS | SPECIAL AWARD THE NEW WAVES Película | Film: Samouni Road Dirigida por | Directed by: Stefano Savona
“Es un compromiso político-social que mezcla tres formatos heterogéneos. Utiliza la animación como otra forma de documentar la realidad”.
“It is a political-social commitment that mixes three heterogeneous formats. It uses animation as another way of documenting reality.”
Reconocimiento a la Contribución Artística al Lenguaje Cinematográfico | Award to the Artistic Contribution to the Cinematographic Language Película | Film: Raiva Dirigida por | Directed by: Sérgio Tréfaut
“Reinterpreta géneros clásicos con una propuesta estética brillante y fuerte arraigo en la cultura popular portuguesa”.
“It reinterprets classic genres with a brilliant aesthetic proposal and strong roots in popular Portuguese culture.”
El Jurado Las Nuevas Olas_No Ficción del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto por Samuel Fernández, Ula Stöckl y Nanako Tsukidate ha decidido otorgar el siguiente premio:
The New Waves_Non Fiction Jury of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by Samuel Fernández, Ula Stöckl y Nanako Tsukidate have decided to award the following film:
“Por el modo en que Salomé Lamas aborda el tema de la identidad y la (no) pertenencia. La película parece decirnos que, sin un país, no existes. Sin una identidad, no tienes una opinión. Sin una opinión, eres invisible. Con el fin de abordar este material, la cineasta desarrolla una mirada estética radical que encaja a la perfección con la idea implícita del desarraigo, la confusión y la desorientación que siguen a la caída de un sistema.”
“Because of the way Salomé Lamas treats the subject of identity and (not) belonging. You don’t exist if you have no country. Without an identity, you have no opinion. Without an opinion, you are invisible. In order to tackle this issue, she develops a radical aesthetic approach that perfectly fits with the underlying idea of rootlessness, confusion and disorientation, following the end of a falling system.”
El Jurado FIPRESCI del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto por Dejan Petrovic, Eva Peydró y Amber Wilkinson ha decidido otorgar el siguiente premio:
The FIPRESCI Jury of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by Dejan Petrovic, Eva Peydró and Amber Wilkinson have decided to award the following film:
MEJOR PELÍCULA Revoluciones Permanentes | ENDLESS REVOLUTIONS BEST FILM AWARD Película | Film: A VIOLENT DESIRE FOR JOY Dirigida por | Directed by: Clément Schneider
« Hemos apreciado en la presente edición que Revoluciones Permanentes haya experimentado su propia revolución al unirse por primera vez el valioso talento español con el de otras voces europeas. Al igual que el nombre de la sección Revoluciones Permanentes. A Violent Desire for Joy, es una muestra de que la evolución histórica e individual son inseparables.”
“We note that this section of the festival has undergone its own revolution this year with the wealth of Spanish talent being joined for the first time by other European voices. And like the Endless Revolution of the section’s title, A Violent Desire for Joy demonstrates that historical and individual evolutions are inseparable.”
DELUXE ofrece al ganador de Revoluciones Permanentes la creación de un máster DCP de su próximo de largometraje. DELUXE offers the winner of Endless Revolutions the creation of a DCP master of his/her next feature film.
Asimismo, el jurado DELUXE integrado por José Antonio Vega y Fernando Vilchez, otorga premio especial a directores españoles que participan en las siguientes secciones: Sección Oficial, Nuevas Olas o Nuevas Olas/No_Ficción y Revoluciones Permanentes, consistente en la creación de un Master DCP (Digital Cinema Package) de su próximo proyecto de largometraje, valorado en un máximo de 6.000€. DELUXE ha decidido otorgar los siguientes premios:
Also, DELUXE will decide special awards aimed to some of the Spanish directors who participate in the following sections: Official, New Waves or New Waves/Non_Fiction. This award is worth the creation of a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) Master for his/her next feature film project, being valued in 6.000€ maximum. DELUXE has decided to award the following prizes:
Película de Las Nuevas Olas No Ficción: LA ESTRELLA ERRANTE (España, 2018) Dirigida por: Alberto Gracia
Película de Revoluciones Permanentes: <3 (España, 2018) Dirigida por: María Antón
Deluxe ha hecho también una Mención Especial a: Película de Las Nuevas Olas No Ficción: IN MEMORIAN (España, 2018) Dirigida por: Marcos M. Merino
El público infantil y juvenil de la sección EUROPA JUNIOR / CINÉFILOS DEL FUTURO del Festival de Sevilla 2018 ha decidido otorgar mediante su voto el Premio a la Mejor Película, distinguiendo dos categorías:
The young audience of the EUROPA JUNIOR/ CINEPHILES OF THE FUTURE section of the Seville Film Festival 2018 has decided by vote to award the following prizes:
PREMIO EUROPA JUNIOR | JUNIOR EUROPE AWARD Película | Film: LA INCREÍBLE HISTORIA DE LA PERA GIGANTE (Dinamarca, 2018) Dirigida por | Directed by: Amalie Næsby Fick, Jørgen Lerdam y Philip Einstein Lipski
PREMIO CINÉFILOS DEL FUTURO | CINEPHILES OF THE FUTURE AWARD Película | Film: FUNAN (Francia, Bélgica y Luxemburgo, 2018) Dirigida por | Directed by: Denis Do
El público de la SELECCIÓN EFA del Festival de Sevilla 2018 ha decidido otorgar mediante su voto el siguiente premio: The audience of the EFA SELECTION of the Seville Film Festival 2018 has decided by vote to award the following prize:
GRAN PREMIO DEL PÚBLICO | GRAND AUDIENCE AWARD Película | Film: LA MUJER DE LA MONTAÑA (Islandia, Francia, Ucrania, 2018) Dirigida por | Directed by: Benedikt Erlingsson
El Jurado Eurimages del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto por José Manuel Zamora y Pablo de María Díaz ha decidido otorgar el siguiente premio:
The Eurimages Jury of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by and have decided to award the following film:
El Jurado ASECAN del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto Rafael Jurado Arroyo, Arturo Menor Campillo y Sofía Navarro ha decidido otorgar los siguientes premios: The ASECAN Jury of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by, Rafael Jurado Arroyo, Arturo Menor Campillo and Sofía Navarro, have decided to award the following films:
“Por presentar con emoción una azarosa historia provocando el sentimiento en el espectador con un ritmo y una factura técnica acorde al formato con el que se presenta, utilizando metáforas y simbolismo marcado trasfondo social.”
“For presenting a risky story with emotion, provoking feeling in the spectator, with a rhythm and a technical production in accordance with the format with which it is presented, using metaphors and symbolism with a marked social background.”
PREMIO ESPECIAL ROSARIO VALPUESTA A LA CATEGORÍA ARTÍSTICA (Música, guión o dirección) a la dirección | SPECIAL ROSARIO VALPUESTA AWARD FOR ARTISTIC CATEGORY (Music, script or direction) to the direction Película | Film: CAZATALENTOS Dirigida por | Directed by: José Herrera
“Por equilibrar a la perfección una cuidada puesta en escena, en la que destacan todos los recursos técnicos y una historia de superación que encaja en la pantalla transmitiendo al espectador toda la potencia visual de esta producción”.
“For balancing perfectly a painstaking mise-en-scène, in which all the technical resources are notable, and a story of self improvement which belongs on the screen, transmitting to the spectator all the visual power of this production.”
El Jurado ASECAN del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto Rafael Jurado Arroyo, Arturo Menor Campillo y Sofía Navarro ha decidido otorgar los siguientes premios: The ASECAN Jury of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by, Rafael Jurado Arroyo, Arturo Menor Campillo and Sofía Navarro, have decided to award the following films:
“Por realizar una apuesta arriesgada con una animación a ritmo vertiginoso, mezclando elementos del cine más clásico, una apuesta estética vanguardista y homenajes cinéfilos y al mundo del arte. Todo ella en una historia que divierte y desafía al espectador revindicando la componente lúdica del cine sin desmerecer un ápice su calidad cinematográfica”.
“For carrying out a risky undertaking with a fast paced animation, mixing elements of the most classic cinema, an avant garde aesthetic and tributes to films and to the world of art. All in a story that entertains and challenges the spectator, defending the playful component in cinema without taking away one iota of its cinematic quality”.
El Jurado CICAE del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto por Federico Ciarlo, Andrea Crozzoli y Olimpia Pont Cháfer ha decidido otorgar el siguiente premio: The CICAE Jury of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by Federico Ciarlo, Andrea Crozzoli and Olimpia Pont Cháfer have decided to award the following film:
“La película no es sólo una obra maravillosa y sorprendente, sino también un verdadero triunfo de los sentidos. Estamos frente a una animación con una estética original y única que recoge una filosofía conceptual que dejará huella y de la que desde ahora no vamos a poder prescindir para un entretenimiento inteligente, puro y genuino”.
“The film is not only a wonderful, surprising work, it is also a real triumph of the senses. This is an animation with an original, unique aesthetic and a conceptual philosophy that will leave its mark, one that from now on cannot be disregarded for an intelligent, pure, genuine entertainment.”
El jurado organizado por la Asociación Cultura con Orgullo, con la colaboración de la Asociación Adriano Antinoo y ASECAN formado por Piermario Salerno, Antonio Torres, Javier Rojas y Maribel Roldán ha decidido conceder el Premio OCAÑA a:
The jury organised by the Asociación Cultura con Orgullo, with the collaboration of the Asociación Adriano Antinoo and ASECAN, and composed of Piermario Salerno, Antonio Torres, Javier Rojas y Maribel Roldán has decided to grant the OCAÑA Award to:
V PREMIO OCAÑA A LA LIBERTAD | 5th OCAÑA AWARD TO FREEDOM Película | Film: SAUVAGE Dirigida por | Directed by: Camille Vidal-Naquet
Por ser un retrato crudo y nada idealizado de la deshumanización que conlleva la prostitución (masculina), de una realidad de marginalidad y pobreza denunciada desde la descripción del día a día de un joven prostituto, cuya vida se muestra sin juzgar al colectivo, enfrentando esta realidad paralela y casi invisible al mundo de la burguesía.
For portraying a crude and unidealized picture of the deshumanization that leads to male prostitution, a reality of marginality and poverty denounced from the description of the day to day of a young prostitute, whose life is shown without collectively judging but facing this parallel reality which almost invisible to the world of the bourgeoisie.
El Jurado Women In Focus, buscando una obra que destaque por su perspectiva de género, representado por AAMMA (Asociación Andaluza de Mujeres de los Medios Audiovisuales), del Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla 2018, compuesto por Araceli Carrero, Cristina Cerezo y Ana María Grande ha decidido otorgar el siguiente premio:
The Women in Focus Jury, represented by AAMMA, of Seville European Film Festival 2018, composed by Araceli Carrero, Cristina Cerezo and Ana María Grande have decided to award the following film:
“Por su apuesta por la ruptura con la feminidad y la maternidad tradicionales, por regalarnos un personaje protagonista rompedor, por mostrarnos la humanidad y el amor en un universo cinematográfico lleno de apariencias y clichés”.
“For its support of the rupture with traditional femininity and maternity, for giving us a groundbreaking leading character, for showing us humanity and love in a film universe full of appearances and clichés”.
17.11.2018 | AwardsWatch's blog Cat. : AWARDS
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