A Fresh Rendition of the Access to "the Inner Shadow" by K.-G.Jung
Part 1
Carl-Gustav Jung (Zurich) called the darker side of our personality, "the shadow". It can be also rendered as "the second me", "the worse part of myself" and "my darker side". The negative aspects are considered as the incognitive and get rejected (or somehow, neglected). Agressive and sexual impulses can be tightly connected to this aspect. Under-developed (and so, negative) qualities and even under-estimated talents may be encounted, as positions for that group. Wholesome personality is one at the babyhood. It includes no suppressed or out shifted emotions. Ethics and culture are the impediment (hinderance) for the natural growth and development. What the society improves, grows into positive qualities and gifts. The Shadow comprises those aspaects that has been rejected by the social life around. Adapatation for the outer world is pre-supposed by adolescence and early years, as they are; but actually it touches upon the entire life. The incognitive life is full of complexes and out shifted emotions. We try our best to get rid of them and instead, we accept the mechanic patterns of the life and stereotypes. Our egotistic ideal keeps the negative contents, afar and safe. We keep the Shadow remote and foe-like. We get those darker sides reflected at other people, who may seem to be our enimies. So we emphasize our hidden qualities, when observed in the outer world. When a person suffers from our negative connnotations and definitions, that does not allow him or her, to get changed and to re-vise his or her mode of being and behavior. An old Chinese wisdom reads, "we ought to closely face the reality and to counterstand to self-deception and to avoid illusions; only so we face the enlightment and the dawn of success". So we ought to do with the Shadow. We ought to fully comprehend it, so that it could become less startling. We have to productively use the removed emotions, in order that we could feel wholesome again. So we benefit also from the liberation of the Shadow's dark resources.
A psychoanalyst Christopher Bollas (quoted by a narrator, T.Gnatova) offers the notion of "positive narcissism" and affirms that it is not an easy process, "to lift up heavy stones and to give a look under them". That is how we may confront the Shadow and also benefit from its energetic potential.
The wrath and other negative feelings may be turned (transformed) into positive trends. Those emotions gradually get connected to the personal experience. Embarrassment, extra sexuality, doubts, inner conflicts of a various nature, may also prove to be useful. So the Shadow may be allowed and denied, alternately. So the steps ought to be practiced in steps, repeatedly. We have to be responsible for our inner, shaded contents. We ought not to fluctuate between negation and affirmation of the out moved experience (contents). To revise one's positions, it may take the acceptance of the former sensations and experience... So we can accept our very Shadow, with time. So we can tackle with the mission of acceptance of the outer realm and people... It's a painful way of returning to the initial point of the route. We get the Shadow integrated, at steps, though this grade may take truly long. Equilibrated harmony may be about, by hand's access. The spiritual point of basement, the foundating principle can be not so remote, thogh they seem not that easy to reach for... The good and the evilsome ought to be in constant balance.
We have to possess our own Shadow, if its presence is so inevitable and even obligatory. We have to successfully and inagressively fight our own negative experience. It may take just a correct look and our will to improve the invincible. our qualities and capacities can be opened anew, and we can discover new ways of self-comprehension. The English Rendition, by Anna Polibina-Polansky (October, 2012, Solothurn - September, 2020; the Moscow Region).
Part 2
Jung is able to judge quite idealistically. He rejects darker feelings and boldly refers them to negative tendencies. "The core of any jealousy is in lack of love" (by Jung). So, he exhaults the absolute nature of love, and his lyric-and-philosophic character is up to magnify that absolute, full, wholesome quality (capacity). Jung rejects the cynetic, dynamic, altering, flowing properties and offers something more preferable - the individable and inalterable Love. So he operates on perfect capacities, in trite psychologic theories. We are deprived of absolute measures and sheer dimensions. We ought to acquire them back, in order to get rid of the feeling of "Shadows" within ourselves... It is allowed to get stuck to the absolute, inseparable Scale; so we can fully judge of what truly goes on inside of us.
Only Nabokov allowed himself to openly deride the system of Freud's associations absorbed by his dedicated disciples... The fervor may not be purely sexual; it can be just energetic. And Jung had been comprehending the matter quite clearly. In Paris Nabokov witnesses for the presence of other initial impulses (a felyeton-essay "What Each Has to Know" by V.Nabokov; Paris, a New Paper, 1931, №5). But we cannot, yet, negate or reject the practical use of Freud's theories.
July Aikhenvald, a Russian translator of Arthur Schaupenhawer, appeared back then, as a phenomenon. He rejected the history of fiction and poetry. He researched belles lettres only as an impressionist and a subjective thinker, only. He considered Gumilyov and Nabokov, as martyrs and subtle prophets for the future of artistic civilizations. He was sent off from Russia, for his literary capacities. He was also absolute, like Jung, in his psychologic witnessing and cryteria... Theoretic conceptions of the "silver age" of the Russian poetry are undiscussable matters, ones to summarize the experience of the researchery wisdom, by lyricists themselves...
Nabokov also negated "The Infantile Sexuality", as an essay by Freud. He considered Freur to be "a master of frauds, from Vienne". Freud explained the boys' desire to make couchmen and conductors, by their sexual complexes only. Psychology of the subconscious was motivated by Freud, at an inalterable way. We can't underestimate Nabokov, as a philosopher. In America (his "Ultima Thule") where he wrote for 2 decades, only in English, he mused of God and immortality, as notions, of the periferal isles of the world, of the status of a man at the edge of the comrehension and visibility, of the inevitable adjacency of the death, of the upcoming obligatory borders of invitality and oblivion... Nabokov disapproved of one-side mysticism and universal tendential interpretations. But Jung went much further than his teacher Freud, as modern peacemakers in filosophy are a great distance away from an Austrian thinker Berta Zuttner (whom Nabokov considered "giftless" and plain). The English Rendition, by Anna Polibina-Polansky (September, 2020; the Moscow Region).