Don't Miss The Kickoff Show!
Below are the 3 films we will be showing tonight at Boulder Theater.
Click each one to view the trailer
WINNER: Best Whitewater Film!
Join the Africa Revolutions Tour team as they set out on one of the most action-packed, ambitious kayaking adventures ever!
WINNER: Leave No Trace Award!
This short documentary features stunning cinematography from both ground and canopy that captures the excitement of climbing the Klootchy Creek Sitka Spruce Tree on the Oregon Coast; one of the largest of its kind.
WINNER: Best Ski Film!
Shot in vibrant HD, Signatures is 100% human powered backcountry skiing in all snow-sliding styles: board, noboard, ski, and drop-knee.
In person: flying in from Japan, is snow-surf legend & wooden snowboard shaper Taro Tamai