The jury of the Feature Film Competition was composed by Lyda Patitucci (Italy), Clément Rauger (France), Martin Rejtman (Argentina), Angel Sala (Spain), and Elisabetta Sgarbi (Italy).
Best film (18.000 €) to:
LA PALISIADA by Philip Sotnychenko (Ukraine)
With the following motivation:
Complex film of great directorial freedom in the construction of concatenated scenes that find their own independent meaning. In his debut work, the director demonstrates absolute mastery of means.
Special Jury Award (7.000 €) to:
LE RAVISSEMENT by Iris Kaltenbäck (France)
With the following motivation:
Harmoniously successful film, where everything contributes to the excellent final result. Iris Kaltenbäck, with the complicity of performers Hafsia Herzi, Alexi Manenti and the entire cast, makes a mature and engaging first feature.
Best actress award went to:
HAFSIA HERZI for the film LE RAVISSEMENT / THE RAPTURE by Iris Kaltenbäck (France)
Special mention to:
BARBARA RONCHI for the film NON RIATTACCARE by Manfredi Lucibello (Italy)
Best actor to:
MARTÍN SHANLY for the film ARTURO A LOS 30 by Martín Shanly (Argentina)
Best screenplay to:
SÉBASTIEN LAUDENBACH, CHIARA MALTA for the film LINDA VEUT DU POULET! by Sébastien Laudenbach e Chiara Malta (France/Italy)
The jury of the International Documentaries Competition composed by Tizza Covi (Italy), Carlo Hintermann (Switzerland/Italy), Jessica Woodworth (Belgium/United States) awards the prizes:
Best Film IWONDERFULL (6.000 €) to:
NOTRE CORPS / OUR BODY by Claire Simon (France)
Special Jury Award to:
CLORINDO TESTA by Mariano Llinás (Argentina)
Mention to:
SILENCE OF REASON by Kumjana Novakova (Bosnia)
The jury of the Italian Documentaries Competition, composed by Valentina Bertani (Italy), Fabio Bibbio (Italy) and Costanza Quatriglio (Italy), awards the prizes:
Best Film (6.000 €) to:
GIGANTI ROSSE by Riccardo Giacconi (Italy)
With the following motivation:
On the blurred boundary between reality and fiction, in a tale that reasons on the mechanisms of representation and the staging of reality, the director takes us on a sentimental journey through family conflicts and the difficult memory of a brutal group violence against a defenseless man. Thus the camera becomes an opportunity to unveil unspoken secrets and emotions.
Special Jury Award to:
TEMPO D’ATTESA by Claudia Brignone (Italy)
With the following motivation:
The months leading up to childbirth constitute a time of sharing in the film. A balm for the fears that women too often keep to themselves and that here they face together by building a community. In women's mutual listening and the filmmaker's understanding, the time of waiting is the precious time of caring.
The jury of Italian Short Film Competition composed by Erica Favaro (Italy) Ilaria Feole (Italy), Luisa Porrino (Italy) awards the prizes:
Best Short Film to:
UN RESPIRO PARZIALE MA INTERO by Lorenzo Spinelli (Italy)
With the following motivation:
For the original and careful touch through which the meeting between the author and Patrizia Cavalli is narrated and for the creative reuse of archival material. Its intensity and ability to move make the film resemble a small poem.
Special Jury Award ex-aequo to:
LE FENNE by Giulia Di Maggio (Italy)
With the following motivation:
Because it tells a coming-of-age story in a visionary and symbolic way, but also with rare purity and innocence of gaze. The author sensitively dwells on the delicate phase of the child protagonist's growth in a succession of tenderness and cruelty, while in the background adults remain indifferent and distant.
EVEN TIDE by Francesco Clerici (Switzerland/Italy)
With the following motivation:
The short film is striking for the highly topical questions it tables: in a world in which human life is waning, only animal life remains, captured by automatic recording instruments. But who will still be there to watch those images?
Special mention to:
OSAS E LE DONNE DI BENIN CITY by Gabriele Gravagna (Italy)
With the following motivation:
The jury intends to give further emphasis to a short film that chronicles the extraordinary work of Donne di Benin City, the first Italian association against the exploitation of prostitution, founded and chaired in Palermo by Osas Ekbon, who has always been at the forefront of the fight of violence against women.
The jury of the Crazies Competition, composed by Alessandro Boschi (Italy), Anaïs Emery (Switzerland) and Maurizio Tedesco (Italy), awards the prize:
Best Film to:
AUGURE / OMEN by Baloji (Belgium/Congo/Netherlands/Germany/South Africa)
Special mention to:
VISITORS - COMPLETE EDITION by Kenichi Ugana (Japan)
THE COMPLEX FORMS by Fabio D'Orta (Italy)
The jury composed by film critics Roberto Baldassarre (Italy) Joanna Orzechowska-Bonis (France), Harri Römpötti (Finland) awards the Fipresci Prize (Premio della Federazione Internazionale della Stampa Cinematografica) to:
BIRTH by Jiyoung Yoo (South Korea)
With the following motivation:
Birth is an accurate feminist dissection of the role of women balancing motherhood, work and creativity in our competitive world by a Korean director inspired by Yasujirō Ozu’s cinema.
Acquisition of web and free TV rights for Italy.
Best Italian Short Film:
OSAS E LE DONNE DI BENIN CITY by Gabriele Gravagna (Italy)
With the following motivation:
A story that forces us to look inside ourselves to try to understand what happens both on the streets of our country and in Africa. A story that runs through violence, abuse and indifference to arrive, thanks to the great courage of the protagonist, to freedom!
Best Feature Film
The TorinoSette Readers Jury composed by Igor Catrano, Filippo Michelini, Alessandra Longhin, Rachele Gaggini, Maria Cristina Disavino assigns the Achille Valdata Award for Best Feature Film to
MANDOOB / NIGHT COURIER by Ali Kalthami (Saudi Arabia)
With the following motivation:
For daring to bring to life an unusual portrait of a society seemingly far away but actually so desperately close.
Scuola Holden assigns the BEST SCREENPLAY AWARD
Scuola Holden students attended the screenings of the 41st Torino Film Festival and awarded the Best Screenplay Award to one of the competing feature films. The work of the jury, composed of students from the 2022/2024 two-year Drama college, was coordinated by screenwriter Aaron Ariotti. Students Bianca Giardina, Tommaso Leotta, Davide Procopio, Elena Scipione and Eleonora Vecchio
have awarded the Best Screenplay Award to:
LE RAVISSEMENT by Iris Kaltenbäck (France)
with the following motivation:
For its ability to portray, with intimate, incisive writing and a balanced narrative structure, the tension between the search for happiness and the awareness of the impossibility of achieving it.
Students also gave special mention to: Camping du lac by Éléonore Saintagnan
Awarded by Centro Studi Sereno Regis (Turin) to the film that best interprets the Gandhian worldview
to the film SILENCE OF REASON by Kumjana Novakova (Bosnia)
with the following motivation:
A film that dumbfounded the entire theater. The testimonies of victims of sexual abuse perpetrated during the war in former Yugoslavia transcend time and space to become a warning of compelling relevance. The director succeeds in transforming mere forensic material into a documentary that is incisive and touching.
Special Mention went to the film SCONOSCIUTI PURI by Valentina Cicogna e Mattia Colombo (Italy):
Returning the name, the core of being a person. Giving relatives the consolation of burial, an ancestral of human history. The conflict and its nonviolent transformation are clear: recognizing the right to the identity of those who died trying to reach the West.
The Interfedi Jury, sponsored by the Waldensian Church and the Jewish Community of Turin, with the sponsorship of the Interfedi Committee of the City of Turin, and composed of Giorgio Berruto (Jewish Community), Walter Nuzzo (Interfedi Committee) and Maria Cecilia Rivoira (Waldensian Church).
Awards the ninth edition of the "Premio per il rispetto delle minoranze e per la laicità" ("Award for Respect for Minorities and Secularism")
to the film AMEN by Andrea Baroni (Italy)
with the following motivation:
Through its effective portrayal of the use of religion as a tool to condition a closed family community, a paradigmatic sample of all society, invokes central themes of our time, highlighting the reality and consequences of self-made religion, fundamentalism, intolerance, and religious justification of heinous acts.
The jury, composed by Susanna Gianandrea, Francesca Frigo and Vito Martinelli, awards the prize ex-aequo:
To the film SUL BRIC MINDINO NON C’È NESSUN PINO by Lorenzo Bussone
with the following motivation:
The ecological tale Sul Bric Mindino non c'è nessun pino is a surprising and courageous short film: chroma key, the costumes, the choice of Piedmontese dialect as a fairy-tale language, situations that reach slapstick thanks also to the mimicry of Roberto and Samuele Gentile, as well as the effectiveness of little Gioele Gentile. The freshness and boldness of the directorial choices deliver a funny and amused tale that makes a deliberately naïve craftsmanship its expressive strength.
To the film XIN by Lorenzo Radin and Samuele Zucchet
with the following motivation:
The dual identity story of a second-generation Chinese boy is delivered by directors Radin and Zucchet through a profound gaze that rests on chiaroscuro, lateral visions and a sound universe of great expressive value. The protagonist's hesitations, issues, and guilt are the delicate stages of an undulating journey between two cultures and two languages. The narrative is coherent and closes as in a perfect circle in the same place where the journey began, an airport, a symbol of the non-identity and in-transit space where the present dominates and memory struggles to emerge. Convincingly, the main character Xin Cheng Zhao manages to convey the sincerity of the story with his presence and words.
The Jury also gave a mention to LITANIA by Francesco Pellegrino
with the following motivation:
Litania deserves special mention for its elegant staging and directorial precision. A story that seems to come from another time, but manages to touch chords of contemporary sensibility, thanks also to experimental and visionary forays. The main character's performance is very intense, the director is convincing and charismatic in the part of Satan the tempter.
Our thanks to all those who supported the 41st Torino Film Festival
Ministero della Cultura – DG cinema for the contribution
Founding Members
Regione Piemonte, Città di Torino, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT, GTT,
Associazione Museo Nazionale del Cinema
Supported by
Città di Venaria
Main Sponsor
Intesa Sanpaolo
Main Media Partner
RAI e The Hollywood Reporter
Official TV
Rai Movie
Official Radio
Rai Radio 3
IWonder e Eataly
La Venaria Reale e Gallerie d’Italia
Educational Partners
Università degli Studi di Torino, Dams, Torino Film Industry, Film Commission Torino Piemonte, IED
Mobility Partner
Technical Partners
IREN, CIM4.0, Fuori Campo, Associazione Amici del Torino Film Festival, Smat
Media Partners
La Stampa, Cinecittà News, Fred Radio, Taxidrivers, Ciak
The festival adheres to
The Torino Film Festival is organised by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino
04.12.2023 | Torino Film Festival's blog
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