The Reale film festival is an international bimonthly cinema festival with a final ceremony where the best works received are awarded.
The final live ceremony will be held on 12 November 2021 at the auditorium "Il Pertini" cultural center in Cinisello Balsamo, Milan, Italy.
The results of the winning films in the various categories will be published at each bimonthly deadline.
The best films of each period will be part of the final selection and will be screened during the festival event.
IMPORTANT: Each two month our jury will make a private viewing to decide the winners of the period. The finalists for the final ceremony will be chosen among the winners of each bimonth's "Best Film" award.
Cinebaloss in collaboration with Centro Culturale “Il Pertini” presents the 5th edition of the Reale Film Festival to be held in Cinisello Balsamo (Milan – Italy). The Reale Film festival wants to promote the film as encounter between peoples paying attention to those works that speak of humanity and and the daily reality of each person.
14.04.2022 | Invisible Hand's blog
Cat. : FILM