MBff: Mobile Blockbuster film festival calls for entries.
01. Participants should be persons over 18 years of age. That is all we ask. We do not want to limit participants by their income, race, ethnicity, gender or anything else.
02. Topic of movies: ‘Spirit of Freedom’.
The plot, genre and form of expression within the participation are not limited.
03. Applications submission period: September 1-30, 2021 (inclusive).
04. Participation in the Festival is free of charge.
05. The videos which contain open propaganda of violence, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornographic, religious, extremist videos, as well as contrary to general human norms and principles WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
06. Videos can only be recorded (!) on a smartphone or tablet in Full HD format. Maximum 10% of the total duration can be shot by drones or action camera. Any other production equipment is allowed, such as: lights, cranes, trolleys, etc.
07. Videos must be cinematic in nature. Good quality and high resolution 1080p, and look good on the big screen. Allowed formats: mp4 (h264), mov, mkv, wmv, avi.
08. Participant can send one or several videos by filling out a new registration form for each of them, which will be considered as a separate entry.
09. Application form (indicated by the list in the body of the letter):
● Name of the author or team name
● Country & city of living of the author
● Name of participants (actor, operator, etc.)
● Contact information of the author: phone, email, link to social network (Facebook, Instagram)
● Movie title
● Movie category
● Brand of the mobile phone on which the shooting was conducted
10. The video should be uploaded to the file hosting service. After that the link should be sent to the following e-mail: MBfilmfest.kz@gmail.com
By sending the application the author confirms that he/she allows the Festival & its partners to use the video or its parts for public demonstration, presentations, distribution via Internet, TV, etc.
11. Authors may use post-production software for visual or sound effects.
12. Videos can be of different types.
*For the details, please refer to 'Categories' section.
13. The award ceremony will be held on October, 15, 2021. The format & time: please check our official web-site & social closer to the date.
All videos will be uploaded to the Festival's YouTube-channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvdETJSBNCSpd86QEq01SQ
14. All applications should be unique. The authors should be the only owners of their movies rights. They should not infrige other authors rights.
All winners will be also awarded by a statuette and diploma.