From Genesis (chapters 12-14). Of Abraham
English Verses by Anna Polibina-Polansky ***
God said to Abraham: "So leave your land.
I'll bless you. My lips aren't of reprimand.
Your people will be of my benediction.
I see your faith, so humbled, and conviction".
He went out of Kharran and was not wrong.
He took his spouse Sarah, all along.
He took his brother Lot, and all the people,
And his estate. His hopes were not feeble.
He came to Khanaan and saw Sikhem,
The oak-tree grave Morey, of trunks and stems.
So Khananeans, God said, would disappear.
"So you will own this land, reject your fear".
Oh Abraham! His seeds got out sown.
To God, he gave the tenth, of what he owned.
"At Shavey valley, you judge all your foes!
Salim, Sodom are yours! That's what God shows".
Salimean Tsar, a priest of all shrines,
Greets you and brings about, bread and wine!