Register for our competition of shorts ANIMAZE DAZE IN CANNES I Submit on filmfreeway I 2016 Selection
Register for a presentation of your Work in Progress in front of buyers and animation profesionnals. I 2016 Presentations I Venue Palais B screening 1.30pm
Enter your animation in Cannes in the Animation Catalog (who's who in Cannes for animation) I Submit on filmfreeway I View 2016 Edition
Check the video channel of animation shorts and features in Canness: 2017 Channel of trailers I 2016 Channel I
Enter the winners Channel 2017 Channel of trailers of festival winners I 2016 Channel I Submit on Filmfreeway
Submissions are strictly restricted to festival winners for animation works, without any exception. We celebrate animation, short and feature film winners from key festivals in 2017 (and last quarter in 2016 at the latest).
Promote your animation in our animation newsletter: share your project and strategy and ask for a quote from our team of Cannes experts (30th attendance of your consultants, take advantage of Bruno Chatelin's studio experience, running Sony and Fox in France)
Stay tuned: news about the panels and panelists will be announced shortly.
02.05.2017 | Animation Day in Cannes's blog
Cat. : Animation